♡a new day a lovely dance♡

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You opened your door to see howdy  holding you a bouquet of flowers and all were your favorites as his face was a bright red as he coverd his face with the flowers

"OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY I-I DIDNT MEAN TO INTERRUPT IN ON YOUR PRIVACY!" He said as he closed his eyes, you lower the flowers as you smiled

"hey its fine" you said as he handed you the flowers and as you touched your hands softly as his hands were soft to the touch as you smelled the flowers

"they are lovely, oh! Do come in your gonna get poured down on" you said as he walked in sitting on the couch as you shut the door

You than walked into your room as you closed the door to get dressed you and howdy was talking the entire time as you would giggle most of the conversation

God did howdy think it was adorable as he was love struck the entire Time and when you walked out of your room God he just fell in love with you all over again

Your hair was wavy and wet from coming out of the shower and you were wearing a white nightgown as your hair was tossed up in a bun

"Y-you look a-adorable" he mumbled under his breath

You tuned around as you were making hot chocolate for the both of you

"Hm? I'm sorry I didn't catch that howdy do you mind saying that again?" You said making his face go red as he looked away

"O-oh! N-nothing i-important" he said as you continue to make the hot chocolate as you pour them both in mugs and put two marshmallows in them handing howdy a mug

"Here you go please be careful it's hot" y/n said as she sat down beside howdy as she sat her mug down to cool off

You and howdy sat in silence as howdy sat the mug down as thunder roared across the whole neighborhood

You looked at howdy he had a small grin on his face "say........do you like dancing in the rain?" You looked at him and nod slowly

He smiled as he took your hand and opened the door the cold rain hitting straight to your back as he ran you to the front of your house "b-but I don't know how to dance i-"

"Shush that nonsense, I'll teach you, here!" He held your waist and held your hand putting his other arms behind his back

"I'll teach you the basics just follow my lead" he said as he hummed a tune as he swayed you in the rain twirling you so softly as you put your hands around his neck he put his arms around your waist as you both stared deeply into each other's eyes

"Your eyes are really beautiful y/n" howdy said as his face got closer to yours "howdy...." you said softly "I've been meaning to tell you that I've been in love with you sense I've met you and I was wondering if yo-" you tiptoed to him and kissed him

He kissed you back passionately as you two held each other as you broke the kiss hearing the sound of the others cheering for the both of yalls special moment

You hid your face on howdy chest as he chuckled kissing your head

As the others congratulat you two with laughter and clapping they soon left heading home as you and howdy went inside and dried off

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Another cliffhanger~~~ ohhhhh~ things are getting a little heated what will be next? Will y/n decline his love or will she kiss him till he dies? Or shall someone get jealous of their new coming relationship? 

Follow me for more and you'll see in the next chapter
Goodbye for now lovebugs!
                     - love dearly,
                           Rose and howdy

howdy piller x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ