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Louis' pov


This have seen the best summer I've ever had. I'm currently laying in Harry's bed with my head on his bare chest after we made love with each other.

"That was magical." Harry said as he combed my hair with his fingers.

He is such a dork but fortunately I love him.

"Yes it was very magical Mr. Cheesy." I said with a laugh.

"You make me the luckiest guy in the world." He said as he kissed me with such passion.

And I layed back on his chest and I just daydream about my current life with him and what are future would look like?

Will he still be the Harry that I love or some strange how I once knew?

"Louis?" He interpreted my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me with concern.

"Us." I said with a half truth. I was thinking about us but in different way.

I just hope it doesn't come true.


My mum texted me saying that I should be going home to get ready for the first day of school.

Our senior year in high school. I want to graduate together I want to experience everything with him.

Harry agreed to drive me home after I offered to called an Uber but he wanted to drive me home himself.

Finally pulled to my house but so I was about to get out. Harry stopped me and kissed me again it literally took my breath away

 Harry stopped me and kissed me again it literally took my breath away

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"I love you Louis never forget that." He said as he separated himself from the kiss.

"I love you too Harry." I said as got out of the car and walked up to my front door.

I waved goodbye to Harry he did the same as he drove away back home.

I want to keep memories from the two months in my head forever.

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