4: Darry

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*This is for my friend Jaden, she doesn't have a wattpad, but I'm still going to write it for her, since she wants me too.*

Jaden's POV
"Damn it!!" I say as I accidentally kicked one of the buckets that held the water that was dripping from the roof. I sat the bucket back where it was and grabbed a towel. I cleaned up the water on the floor and the phone started ringing. I threw the towel across the room, on the table, and answered the phone.


J: "Hello??"
?: "Hey Bitch!!!"
J: "Hey Taylor. Can I call you back?? I have something to take care of something real quick."
T: "Did you knock over the bucket again??"
J: "Yeah."
T: "You need to call the roofing company."
J: "What do you think I was about to do??"
T: "Your mom."
J: "I swear, you are so childish."
T: "Yeah, but you love me."
J: "If that's what helps you sleep at night then keep saying it."
T: "Shut up."
J: "Alright I got to go."
T: "Ok, bye."
J: "Bye."

~end of call~

I punch the numbers in, to the roofing company, and waited.


RC: "Hello, this is the Roofing Company. How may we help you??"
J: "Hi, I need my roof repaired."
RC: "Ok, we will have someone over tomorrow."
J: "Ok, thank you."
RC: "Your welcome."

~end of call~

I hung the phone back up and slid down to the floor, with my back against the wall.
"Thank God!!" I call out. I got up and went to my room. I grabbed myself some pajamas, changed, and slid into bed. I wonder who they're sending here. Oh well. I closed my eyes and felt myself falling asleep.

-In the morning-

I got up, went to the bathroom, changed clothes, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, straightened my hair, and left the room. I went back into my room and slipped on my flats. I left the room and tripped over another bucket, again.
"Son-of-a-bitch!!" I yell. I grabbed another towel and cleaned up the mess. I sat the bucket in its place and put the towel in the laundry room. I heard someone knocking on the door. About time!! I opened the door to find a very attractive man.
"Hi, I'm Darrell, you can call me Darry. I'm here to fix your roof." He says.
"Uhh yeah. Here I'll lead you where it's leaking." I say as I let him in. I showed him the 4 spots and he simply nods.
"Ok, it show be done in a little while." He says as he smiles at me. I smile back and he leaves. I went outside and checked the mail. Bill, bill, letter, bill. WAIT WHAT!!! I went back to the letter and ripped it open.

Dear Jaden,
hey honey. I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it to your place for your birthday. I got caught up with Mason and I think he's the one!! Anyway, so sorry I can't make it.
Love, Mom.
Yeah right. God I hate her. She's always had a reason not to come over. She hates me and I hate her. I still don't see why she pretends she cares. Oh well. Wait, am I crying?? I felt my cheeks and felt wetness. Great, I'm crying. I quickly wiped my tears and forgot all about the letter. My birthday is in a few weeks and she always forgets my birthday. It's always way too early or way too late. Oh well. I went inside and poured two glasses of lemonade. I went outside and saw Darry working on the roof. He looked down and saw me. He smiled and climbed down.
"I thought you would be thirsty so I brought you some lemonade." I say.
"Thank you, I needed that." He says as he takes a drink.
"Ah, it's no problem." I say as I turned to leave.
"Wait." I turn around to face him.
"Would you like to go on a date with me, this Saturday??" He asks nervously.
"I'd love too." I tell him.

~Saturday night~

I put on my last bit of mascara on and fixed my jeans. I heard a knock on the door. I quickly grabbed my purse and opened the door. There he stood, brown hair pulled back, t-shirt, jeans, and a big smile plastered on his face. He took my arm and we went to his car. He drove us to a field and we sat in the back of the truck, staring up at the sky. Our legs tangled up and we laid there, just enjoying each others company. After awhile we started talking and laughing. When the date was over with, he drove me home. He walked me up to the porch and turned me around. We stood there, looking into each other's eyes. He leaned down and I leaned up. We kissed, it was passionate and peaceful. We pulled apart and I was blushing like a mad man.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He says.
"Yeah, tomorrow." I repeated, still flustered. He smiled and I walked inside. I closed the door and slid down to the floor. We kissed!! I got up and went to my room. I changed clothes and slid in bed. I fell asleep, thinking about tomorrow.

Here is a Darry imagine. I hoped you liked it and please go check out my other fanfic of 'The Outsiders'!!! It's called 'Mute'. Please vote, comment, and follow!!!!😘😊😍☺️

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