Daughter of Darth Maul part 1

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Darth Maul:Ember Solo come down know!Ember:Coming dad what is it.Darth Maul:Now you are 18 you can finally join me on my missions.Ember:Dad what ever happened to mom you never talk about her you say I remind you just like her what  ever happened to her??? Darth MaulI guess today is the day I should talk about Qira.Ember:Is that her name?? Darth Maul:Yes your mother Qira was brave she always excepted me for who  I was she was also my apprentice.Ember:Mom was your apprentice cool.Darth Maul: Yes Qira was my apprentice and I loved her dearly but when you where just 1 years old She was battling my ex master Emperor Palatine Palatine killed her in front of me and after that I went into hiding on Dathomir.Ember:So that's what happened to mom..... Darth Maul:Yes and I do everything in my power to keep you save!Ember:Hugs dad- Darth Maul:Today for our first mission where going on Tatooine to seek my old rival Obi-Wan Kenobi.Ember: Isn't that the Jedi you always talk about.Darth Maul:We do not talk about him Ember Maul Solo! Ember:Ok ok yesh I won't talk about him!

Ember POV:After arriving on Tatooine It's a really sandy place father and I decided to split up to look for Obi Wan I met this Boy named Luke who's younger than me he looks 15 kinda of but he's really sweet and kind I think I'm falling for him..He says that his father is Anakin Skywalker I don't know why but that name sounds familiar.

Luke POV:I met this girl named Ember she's really cute and she knows a lot about ships I wonder if she ever flew a ship before.She told me about her mom Qira and how she died  due to Empor Palatine killing her, So I told her about my father Anakin Skywalker.

Obi Wan POV:Luke isn't anywhere to be found im search the shop and see where he is Owen and Beru are looking for him.Im glad Reva isn't an inquisitor anymore and she's laying low for now I sense a presence's I haven't sense in a long time.

Darth Maul POV:Ive decided to look for Obi Wan in the deserte of Tatooine to see if he's here or not hopefully he doesn't feel my daughter Ember presence's since she is force sensitive.

Ember POV:Luke decided to take me to his aunt and uncle Owen place.Its small but at least it's something.Hopefully dad will find Obi-Wan and get us out of this desert.

Han:I saw a girl today who looks a lot like Qira I know Qira betrayed me Lando and Chewie but I still miss her I can't stand it without her it's been hard I flew all the way to see Qira and she betrays me She dosen't know how many credits I spent to get back to her and go home!

Lando:Han my old pal you gotta stop talking about Qira she's long gone.

Han:I know but Lando I saw a girl today she looked just like Qira.

Chewbacca: Roars (Stop thinking about Qira)
Han:Alright alright Chewie you and Lando are right I need to stop thinking about Qira.
Chewbacca:Roars(I'm always right)

Ember:Sees Han Lando and Chewie talking.Lando;Oh hello who are you?Ember:I'm Ember Solo.Lando:Solo who's your mom??? Ember:Qira Solo.Han Solo:Mouth drops wide Qira HAS A DAUGHTER HOW OLD ARE YOU KID IS QIRA OKAY??Ember:CAN YOU STOP YELLING AND IM 18!!!! Lando:Where old friends of your mom Nice to meet you Ember but who is your dad if I may ask?Ember:My dad is Darth Maul.Lando And Han mouth drop wide.

Lando:It was nice meeting you Ember you can stay with us if you want be apart of our team??Ember:I'm sorry I have to find my dad but maybe some time.Han:How is Qira btw.Ember:She-she died- Han:W-What.Ember:Starts to cry Palatine killed her when I was just 1.Han: Hugs Ember and wipes the tears off her face.

Later with Obi Wan and Maul.

Ember Han Lando and Chewie  hear Fighting outside.They go to see what the fighting is.Ember:DAD!!Obi Wan:Maul you have a daughter??? Maul:Ember go now.Chewbacca:Roars (Obi- Wan) Obi-Wan:Nice to see you again Chewbacca. Darth Maul:Grr ignites my lightsaber.Obi-Wan:Ignites his lightsaber.Ember:Dad don't! Darth Maul:Look what has become of you a rat in the desert.Obi-Wan:I have risen above unlike you have
nothing...Darth Maul:AND WHAT DO YOU HAVE!!!! Obi- Wan: Strikes Maul down.Ember:Dad nooo! Ember runs up to dad on Obi Wan lap.Darth Maul:Is he the chosen one?? Obi-Wan:He is.Darth Maul He will avenge us all.Ember:Dad wake up starts to tear up more.Obi- Wan:Puts my shoulder on Ember.Ember:Hugs Obi-Wan cry's in his arms.Obi Wan:There there young one it's all right-Ember:What am I going to do without My dad he's the only one left starts to cry more.Obi-Wan: You're destiny has only begin young one. Han:There there  kid You can join me Chewie and Lando.Ember:Thanks Uncle Han.Han:Uncle huh  I like the sound of that Uncle Han Chewbacca:Roars Laughs.Han;What are you laughing about fuzzball?! Chewbacca:ROARR Roars Angry 💢 Han:Okay okay sorry Chewie.Ember:What's are mission now Uncle Han?Han:To get off this planet just kidding 😂😂😂😂.Ember:Laughs 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lando:Let's go old pals. Ember Chewie Lando laugh while leaving.

They do Eventually meet Leia and blow up the death star.But they don't no about another sith who is Darth Vader's apprentice who's lurking behind the shadows And Vader apprentice is Starkiller what happens next after Han Luke Leia Lando and Chewbacca and Obi Wan find about Vader's apprentice Starkiller will Starkiller have a rivalry with Ember?Who knows what the future holds.The Force Father Sister and the brother control the future who knows If Ember and Starkiller meet will they fight to the death or become friends.

Finally I'm done writing this took me so long to do it's 5:59 rk where I live and I started writing at 2:00 am and finally I'm done.Its 6:01 now We'll I'm stop writing and try to get some sleep bye guys.

Edit: My Word Count is 1026.

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