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Reigen wasn't pleased that the space next door was being taken by a rental girlfriend service.

As days turned into weeks, he found himself observing the comings and goings of the clientele frequenting the neighboring establishment. Men of various ages and backgrounds would eagerly enter, their hopes and desires held high, along with the well-coiffed women who awaited them inside. Their laughter and animated conversations filled the air, infiltrating the spirit and such's once-peaceful space.

"Boss, what's the matter? You seem upset," Serizawa asked, concern evident in his voice.

Reigen let out a deep sigh and dropped heavily onto his worn-out leather chair. "Serizawa, have you heard about the new business that's moving in next door?"

Serizawa furrowed his brows, pondering for a moment before a flicker of realization crossed his face. "Ah, you mean the rental girlfriend service? Yeah, I heard about it. Seems like they're attracting quite a crowd."

Reigen's frustration intensified. "A rental girlfriend service, can you believe it? What kind of nonsense is that? It's all fake, Serizawa. They prey on vulnerable people, and suck 'em dry of their money."

Serizawa nodded sympathetically. The idea of a business capitalizing on false relationships struck a nerve, having his fair share of being lied to.

Curiosity eventually got the better of Reigen as his fingers wriggled to type out the website's name.

his eyes widened at the array of profiles that appeared before him. He scrolled through the carefully crafted bios and vulgar profile pictures, each accompanied by testimonials from satisfied customers. It was a bizarre world he had stumbled upon, filled with words like "romantic dates," "companion for hire," and "emotional support."

These women, draped in beauty and manufactured charm, claimed to provide companionship and understanding to those in need. Reigen knew better, but he couldn't say the same for those that book these kinds of services. It may be loneliness, it may be companionship, or it might be malicious intentions—whatever their motivations, it all just reeked of desperation.

But who was he to judge? After all, he himself had witnessed the same kind of longing from those who unwittingly fell into his own "services." The cycle of loneliness and seeking solace was a never-ending dance, and Reigen found himself both a participant and an observer.

"What a load of crap," Reigen scoffed, his eyes darting across the profiles. But then, something caught his attention—a picture of a girl with a timid smile, standing out like a sore thumb among the other profiles. There was an inexplicable strangeness about her, an air of peculiarity that piqued Reigen's curiosity. She seemed completely out of place on this website.

Aiko Nakano—the irony dripped from her name. Aiko, meaning "Love child." How fitting.

Nakano Aiko (19)

Availability: Open for Bookings

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