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It didn't take much for Y/n to prepare herself. With the meeting location conveniently nearby, she took her time getting ready, relishing in the leisurely pace.

What were the odds of someone booking her would be in the same apartment complex?

This was dangerous, and for once Y/n was thankful for her other identity.

"Serizawa, I'm handing over the office to you today," Reigen's voice resonated from his phone, its echo filling his room. Y/n listened intently, stopping herself from knocking. "Yeah, just for today. You and Mob can handle it." With a decisive click, the call concluded, and he turned towards the door, and opened it.

"Hello, you must be Reigen-san, right?" A gentle smile adorned Y/n's lips as she greeted him, reciting her well-rehearsed greetings. She couldn't help but notice Reigen's casual attire, pajamas still clinging to his form, his hair tousled in a disarray. The question lingered in her mind: Where was he going with this? Usually, customers would even try fixing themselves as the bare minimum. "I'm looking forward to spending the day with you."

Reigen held the door, his eyes meeting those of a young woman whose gaze emanated warmth and uncertainty simultaneously. This "Aiko" stood before him, her presence both captivating and unexpected. Was this the reason why she had so many customers?

The sandy blonde cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "Yeah, that's me. Come on in."

He stepped aside, granting her entry into his modest abode. The door closed behind her and Y/n's grip on her purse tightened, ready to reach for her trusty taser if necessary. This was the first time she had a meeting place be in an apartment. While it wasn't forbidden by the rules, it was sketchy.

She glanced around, taking in the cluttered shelves and mismatched furniture, her eyes lingering on the worn-out leather chair that had seen better days. Although his place was messy, it felt a bit empty. Did he live alone? Was he not home that much?

Reigen's voice broke the silence. "Make yourself at home. Can I offer you something to drink?"

"No thank you." Y/n's lips curved into a polite smile, concealing the unease that fluttered within her. She wasn't about to accept a drink from a stranger, particularly when she found herself alone within the confines of his home.

"Huh, the website claimed you guys could do anything, right?" Reigen's words caught Y/n off guard, causing her to brace herself for the worst. She discreetly unzipped her purse, fingers carefully reaching for the taser she had prepared. Although his build was stronger than hers, surely, he won't have a chance if she shocked him.

"Can you... Clean my apartment? You can clean, right?" His request threw Y/n off balance, causing her to momentarily freeze.

"Eh?" Y/n withdrew her hand from her purse, she couldn't help but question his intentions. Cleaning? What kind of strange fetish was he into? Did he genuinely want her to clean, or was this some twisted way of satisfying his desires?

"I kinda don't want to waste what I've spent," Reigen confessed, his voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment, his forehead glistening with beads of sweat. "My finger slipped while browsing the website, and before I knew it, I had booked your services."

So, it wasn't about some hidden agenda after all? Y/n's skepticism slowly dissolved, replaced by a mixture of relief and intrigue. Maybe she had misjudged him. Maybe he genuinely needed her help, and his explanation was as innocent as it sounded. With her guarded demeanor softening, she couldn't help but let her curiosity guide her. "So, you don't need me to pretend to be your girlfriend?"

Reigen waved his hand dismissively. "That's not my thing. You can drop the act."

Releasing the breath she had been holding, she allowed herself to breath more freely. Although cautious, maybe what he was saying was true if he wasn't interested in her rental girlfriend self. She could let her guard down, at least for now. "Alright then, where do I start?"

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