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BLUE || D.D.


That's the first thing you saw when you met him. Those ocean blue eyes. They pierced your soul in a way you'd never felt before, and they were hidden away beneath a mop of chestnut hair. But when he peeked out through the curtain of hair, his icy eyes captured you in their gaze.


That's what he saw when he met you. Your vibrant curls cascaded around your shoulders, and when the light caught them the midnight shade turned a diamond blue. You normally had your hair tied back in a tight ponytail, away from your damp neck, bangs curling around your face, sticking to your forehead.

After a while though, your color started to fade out, and your dirty blonde roots started to peek through. His eyes lost their sparkle, and began to get more dull as the group lost more people. You changed.

Today Rick tasked you with going into town to find formula and food for Judith. You were more than capable of going by yourself, but he insisted on sending Daryl along, to which he responded with a small smile. You savored that moment, that tiny glimpse of a smile playing at his lips. The idea of escape enticed him, an escape with you. You simply nodded and ducked your head, not wanting to give away your excitement.

In reality, most of the group didn't like you all that much. Your brother was a massive, egotistical dick, and he knew it. It didn't stop him from trying to abandon you when the world went to hell. When you finally caught up with him, he made himself the leader of the group, and you were simply another pawn in his mind. But Daryl got you. He saw the way you fought with Shane, trying to bring the group together when he so desperately wanted to tear it apart. The way you didn't hesitate to raise your weapon against your brother when he started to threaten the safety of the people on the farm. He knew that you had immense love for Shane, but he knew that you would do what it took to keep everyone safe. Alive.

When he heard that he was going into town with you, he couldn't help but smile. He didn't see you much anymore, and when he did you were either swaying from exhaustion, or bloody from a fight with walkers. So this alone time: he was going to make the most of it.

You started to pack for the run as soon as Rick told you. You had food, water, some medical supplies. You strapped some pistols to your thighs, and secured your rifle to your back. Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you made your way out of your cell, and sprinted down the staircase out to the courtyard. You could hear the grasshoppers chirping in the tall grass, and you noticed the sticky heat as soon as you walked out of the shade. It felt heavy and weighed you down. Daryl was waiting, sitting leisurely on his bike, his crossbow strapped to his back.

"Ye ready?" He asked, tilting his head so he could look you in the eye, "Put yer bag in the compartment."

You quickly did so, and got on the back of motorcycle, wrapping your hands around his waist as he revved the bike. He pulled his bandanna over his nose and mouth and slowly started to drive. Carl started to open the gates, and Daryl sped out of the prison gates into the open road. You watched as the trees flew past, and you observed the serenity of it all. You hadn't remembered the last time you could simply enjoy the view without scanning for a walker or being on guard for survivors. But now, as you tightened your grip around his waist, you could watch every part of the scenery go by in flashes of color. You started to close your eyes, and Daryl could feel your body relaxing, finally having a moment of calm.

Soon enough, you reached a pharmacy in the middle of nowhere, and he came to a slow stop, scanning for anything prowling around. You stepped off the bike, your legs feeling like jelly after the tedious ride. The town was quiet, except for the sounds of the bugs in the grass or trees. The shade didn't do much against the sweltering heat that made your hair frizzy and stick to your neck uncomfortably.

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