ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 3: Tᕼᗴ ᗩᑎᑎOYIᑎᘜ ᒪᗴOᑎᗩᖇᗪ

183 4 0

It had been morning and red realized he wasn't in his house but rather on the pig's ship he looked down to see three little hatchlings cuddling him

L: I see you're awake

R: oh it's you (😑) how long have you been standing there?

L: not that long. I see the hatchlings love cuddling with you

R: yeah it's because they think I'm their mom

L: yeah and that makes me the dad

R: lucky bastard

L: anyways I was hoping you would tell me more about your island~

R: um why?

L: well because I want to get to know your community and everything else

R: hmm fine what do you want to know?

L: about eggs

R: um why?

L: well you see that topic is not normal for us pigs we don't give birth that way

R: oh um fine you see there's two types of eggs the fertilized and the unfertilized

L: what's the difference?

R: well fertilized eggs have kids in them like the hatchlings

L: what about the unfertilized?

R: oh those are thrown in the ocean they don't have anything inside

L: so the eggs in the nests are....

R: fertilized they have kids inside that's why we take care of them

L: I see this helped me alot wait what about lost and found eggs?

R: um why do you want to know about those?

L: well I heard the judge mention it before and I was just curious


L: you don't have to answer if you don't want to

R: I guess

L: so are you coming?

R: coming where?

L: to breakfast

R: I can't the hatchlings are asleep

L: oh well you can wake them up too I made breakfast for them too

R: oh ok I'll just wake them up

L: ok meet you in the kitchen

R*gently taps the hatchlings* kids wake up kids there's food

After saying that the hatchlings immediately got up to eat food that was promised to them

BB: mommy!

Red suddenly thought that since they were his that he should probably name them. He named the one with blue eyes jay (in honor of someone dear to me) and the one with green eyes Jake and finally the last one was Jack he quickly then scooped them up and carries them to what he thinks a kitchen is

L: I see you made it and you brought the hatchlings.

R: yeah... Why are you being nice?

L: well my mother used to tell me to treat single mothers with respect

R: seriously (😒)

L: what you have kids and I'm not going to let them freeze outside after all I am a gentleman

R: gentleman my a.... *remembers the hatchlings*

L: I would be careful if I were you after all I can tell the judge you're not a good mommy~

After saying that red huddled the hatchlings more closer to him and glared at Leonard

L: I was joking I'm not a monster

R: well I don't know about your island but here we don't joke about that *carries the hatchlings outside*

L: hey where are you going?

R: to get proper food

L: okay then I'll accompany you

R: no go back to the ship

L: well I am supposed to help with the hatchlings so if the judge catches you alone it can be a problem

R: why do you care

L: like I said I'm a gentleman

R: yeah sure whatever

L: okay then allow me to demonstrate *opens the door for red making girls get jealous*

R: ugh *enters restaurant*

Birds had very few restaurants actually since they mostly made their own food and mostly liked to buy food off stores but this one had a beautiful structure and flowers which made it look more like a place to get married rather than eat. As they sat down everyone stared either in envy or in awe at the unusual couple

W: so what will you have?

Meanwhile red is looking at the window Leonard signals him to get closer and ask if there's anything for couples and then asks for something for the kids

L: I finished ordering

R: do you even have money?

L: why yes actually the judge helped me settle so I do have money

R: so what did you order

L: I asked them to surprise us

R: oh

As the waiter was coming one of the jealous girls tripped him causing the food to fly on Leonard's face making red laugh which shocked everyone because no one had able to make him laugh genuinely and honestly his smile made him look like a ball of sunshine Leonard was mostly in awe and now more intrigued by the bird and later after paying they had a wonderful time in fun places and it was time to go home and red stopped in front of the ship but then entered knowing that Leonard would probably carry him if he didn't enter and then walked in his now room to sleep with the hatchlings having Leonard talk with Ross outside the ship

Ro: so are we still doing the plan boss?

L: actually no there's been a change of plans and red here is going to part of it~


E: that's all folks


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