ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 4: ᖇᗴᗪ ᑎO!

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It was still night and the pigs decided to take the unfertilized eggs and leave with red inside red of course didn't notice and kept sleeping but chuck had waken up due to the sound the ship made and ran to the beach and saw red's house ransacked and the boat leaving he quickly jumped on the trampoline and landed on the ship but was met with Leonard

L: your fast but not fast enough *kicks him off* thank you for your hospitality!

C: red no!

After hearing chuck scream red woke up realizing the ship was moving and he was still on it he quickly grabbed the hatchlings and tried escaping but the door was locked by the outside he couldn't break it because it was metal so he laid down the hatchlings on their crib and pretended to sleep then Leonard entered and red pounced on him but unfortunately Leonard pinned him down and stopped him from attacking him in anyway

L: calm down!

R: no you kidnapped us!

L: please let me explain!

R: I'm not listening to anything you have to say!

L: please...? Just hear me out..

R:.... fine but it better be a good explanation...

L: well first off it was kinda time to head home and the hatchlings probably wouldn't like it if one of their parents was gone

R: hmm true but we live in bird Island it's our nature

L: yeah but do you actually like it there?

R: I....

L: exactly and if you don't like it what are the chances that the hatchlings might hate it?

R: I guess that makes sense.. But you didn't ask for our permission!

L: because I thought you wouldn't mind but I guess you kinda did... Look how about we make a deal?

R: about what exactly?

L: look if you hate piggy island these past few weeks I'll send you back home and you'll barely even see me again

R: and if I like it which I won't?

L: well if you do you can stay with me

R: I don't know

L: oh come on I have an exotic garden where they can play and I'll make sure to kid proof the house...so what do you say? *extends hand*

R: ugh fine *shakes hand* wait how many weeks exactly?

L: about 7 weeks

R: what!!?

L: what I have a very busy life and I have to go with you back to the island

R: can't I go without you I mean you have an entire crew I'm sure they can take me?

L: last time I let them pilot the ship they managed to crash in my house and my house is on land!

R: oh... But didn't you crash into my house?

L: yeah but yours was near the sea mine wasn't  it's literally in the middle of the island

R: oh.. wait how come you're very busy?

L: um you'll see...

P: um boss we're here

L: ah splendid! Come along red

R: okay fine *picks up hatchlings*

As red stepped out the boat he saw giant gates slowly opening to reveal a parade for the return of Leonard which kinda made him suspicious as to why there was a parade for an explorer but he shaked off thinking it was pig tradition but he did notice the other pigs staring at him staring at him strangely and in awe but they didn't see the hatchlings since they were in a little pack meant for hatchlings and had breathing holes
When they got in front of the castle red soon put to pieces together and realized Leonard is  royalty and that's why there was a parade

R: you're royalty!?

L: ah yes I forgot to tell you I'm the king👑

R: yeah I noticed..

L: does it bother you?

R: no I just didn't expect it also why did everyone stare at me like that?

L: oh that's because they've never seen a bird before it's kinda like you guys when you discovered what pigs were

R: oh wait you aren't going to put me in a dungeon Are you?

L: what no! Besides what good would that do Now follow me to your room

As Leonard showed him to his room he opened the door to reveal a beautiful room of red and with jewelry and bits of gold

L: this will be your room my friend

R: oh it's red

L: well yes red symbolizes royalty you know

R: I guess but why does it have fancy things?

L: um don't worry about it anyways I'm a let you adapt meanwhile I do my royal duty

R: um ok I guess

As Leonard walked outside he was met with Ross

Ro: boss are you sure you are going to let them use the queen's room?

L: shush now and yes they can after all they're our guests now make sure everything is suited for them

Ro: yes sir!

L: I suppose this will be fine..


E: that's all folks


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