How my life went to Tartarus

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Percy POV
Destruction. Death. Doom.
Screams erupted all around me as I stared in horror at the tragedy before me. Demigods of both camps were strewn across the blood-soaked grass in front of the Big House. Centaurs, nymphs, satyrs and fauns alike were being brutally massacred by Gaia's army.

A couple of feet to my left a young Roman of about nine was hunched over: eyes widening in shock and terror as she looked down at the poisoned spear protruding from her stomach. I stumbled toward her, slashing my sword through the persistent Empousai I had been fighting. A cloud of yellow dust exploded in my face and I clawed at my burning eyes. Blinking away the powder, I reached the dying girl and hurriedly pulled a bag of ambrosia from my pocket.
"Here, eat this." The girl started to sob, her eyes welling up. "Hey, hey, hey, you're ok. You're gonna be fine." I glanced around the pavillion before my eyes landed on a certain member of the Apollo cabin. "Will! Will! Quick - come over here!" Nico's boyfriend turned from the tree nymph he was instructing on how to heal a broken branch and rushed to the dying demigod in my arms. "Percy," he gasped, kneeling down and pulling bandages from his bag, "They need you on Zeus's fist, I'll deal with this". I nodded and got to my feet, not dwelling on the thought that the girl had little chance of reaching her next birthday.

-------Time skip cuz I can't be bothered-------

By the time I got to the fist it was almost too late: Frank was glowing red (Mars's blessing)  while he manically jabbed and swiped at the swarm of Hellhounds charging Hazel's body. I stifled a horrified gasp as I layed my eyes on her spread-eagled (is that a word?) limbs.  Her gold eyes were scratched out, the veins on her forehead popping an acidic green colour.
Frank snarled venomously as he pulled his bloodstained blade from the heart of a canine that looked unsettlingly like Mrs O'Leary. However, he didn't turn in time to see the drakon baring her teeth maliciously and preparing to strike down her prey. "Frank! Behi-" I didn't have time to put my warning into words as I was interrupted by a sickening crunch as tooth met bone and my friend collapsed to the floor in a heap.
I spun 180° to find Jason dropping to his knees in front of two frazzled bodies. Carefully, I laid Frank's limp frame next to Hazel's and sprinted to where my partner in leadership was crouched, tears streaming from his bloodshot eyes.

Arms and legs spread at unnatural angles, heads lolling onto the muddy ground were Piper and Leo: faces covered in ash and hair stood up on ends. Piper was coughing, feebly gasping for air that wouldn't come. Her eyelids drooped, slowly blinking away tears as she took in the sight of the body next to her. "...Leo....." She croaked, looking up at her boyfriend with desperation. Understanding immediately, Jason grabbed Leo's floppy wrist and checked for a pulse. I held my breath, silently praying to all the gods that he wasn't gone, that he hadn't joined Hazel and Frank in Elysium.

Annabeth jogged over to us, grimly wiping yellow dust off her rosy cheeks. She started saying something but her words died in her throat. "Oh gods........Leo......." I raised my eyes to meet hers and grasped her bloody hands, clinging onto them like a lifeline. Jason slowly turned to us and shook his head, letting out a small sigh of despair. I deflated: Leo had always been there, providing comic relief in times of hardship and never leaving the room until every last one of us had smiles on our faces.

"Jason," we looked down at Piper, her fingers  tiredly dancing along the son of Jupiter's torn sleeve. She smiled sadly at her boyfriend, "It's time,"
"No," Jason choked out, his body shaking with silent sobs, "No, you can't leave me. I need you."
"Jason, baby, I've got to go. I haven't got much time left but I want you to know I love you." Tears flooded Jason's eyes as he struggled to comprehend what was being said.
"Percy," Annabeth breathed in my ear, "C'mon, we should give them some space. Besides, the war's not over yet." I took in her beautiful, watery grey eyes and nodded. Taking her hand, I lead her away from the grieving teens.

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