Chapter 4

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Percy POV

TW:suicidal thoughts & actions

The wind was howling like an aggravated gryphon; trees rocked and swayed to their own beat; pedestrians on the streets of Manhattan sprinted to safety, their umbrella's buffeting in the harsh storm. My raven black hair whipped around my rosy features, it had grown significantly in length since my departure from Camp. I cringed: I hadn't meant for any more innocent people to get hurt by me. It was a stupid idea of Poseidon, really, he must have known what kind of place my mind would be in and yet he still thought it wise to have my emotions projected onto the weather of America.

I sighed, running a hand over my tired sea green eyes and looked at the ledge I stood on. I know, not very original, but it was the best way. Unfortunately, it was quite common to hear of "jumpers" in a city with so many skyscrapers. I wouldn't be anything special, I would just be another body to bag. A wave of depression washed over me like an overwhelming wave in the Bermuda Triangle and I grabbed onto the rusting iron railings to steady myself. I retched, bringing up nothing due to my lack of food and staggered away from the edge coughing uncontrollably.

'Perseus.' a voice echoed through my throbbing head. 'Stop this madness. I can help you.' The voice was deep, and would've been comforting if I hadn't known who it was. "No," I choked out,"Leave me alone, please, I'm begging you." Angry tears rushed down my frozen cheeks as I tried to deny what was happening.
"I can't. I'm your father, Perseus."
"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I screamed into wailing storm, clutching my head and doubling over in agony."MY.NAME.IS.PERCY!" The storm quickened and I chucked Riptide as far over the edge as possible.
"Perseus," my father's voice began slowly, as if talking to a toddler having a tantrum."This is insanity. You must stop and look at yourself - look what you are throwing away."
I breathed heavily and snarled: he wasn't just talking about my sword. I was about to shout back a cutting retort when I felt a weight in my pocket. I bellowed in frustration and cut off my pockets with Anasklusmos before hurling it back into the sea of black.

Poseidon summoned it into my hands and I tore my hair out. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! SHE'S GONE! SHE'S GONE AND SHE'S NEVER COMING BACK AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I dropped to my knees in despair, "She's gone," I whispered to myself. "She's gone. They're all gone." I stood unsteadily and traipsed across to the edge again. "I'm all alone." The last word was barely audible, but I didn't need to here it. I would never need to know what it meant ever again."I just want it to be over." Sobs racked my body as I flung myself off unceremoniously. 'NO!' my father's voice rang through my head and was the last thing I heard before darkness took over.

Poseidon POV

As I watched Perseus plummet toward his death, I was taken back to the day he was born. He had looked so peaceful in his sleep, much like he did now. Seeing his face so innocent and delicate, I had vowed to keep him as far away from my world as possible. Well, we all know how that turned out

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» flashback «««««««««««««««««

"What? What's going on?" I gasped, running into the room. "I would've got here quicker, but I didn't want to teleport in case it did something to the baby. You know, radiation and everything."

Sally smiled at me, the pain in her eyes not quite as hidden as she probably wanted. "Nothing's happened yet, though I never thought I'd see an out of breath god!" She raised a disapproving eyebrow at me. I grimaced,"Yeah, well if you could teleport nine out of ten times a day, wouldn't you?" My fitness wasn't the best: gods had no time for working out. My love smiled, but suddenly winced and clutched her inflated stomach.

"Oh Hades, what in Tartarus's name is happening to you?" The mortal nurse next to me smiled, as though she was amused by my concern."What? Don't just stand there you mortal! The woman is dying!" She just smiled at me, rearranging Sally's pillows. "Is this your first time seeing a birth, love?"
"What? Yes! Of course it is!" I glowered at her kind smile. "Where I come from, there is none of this baby bump nonsense, and women are only pregnant for a day before giving birth!" She laughed and whispered something to her colleague. Ignoring her pitying look, I rushed over to Sally.

"These buffoons haven't got a clue what they're doing!" I whispered agitatedly, clutching her pale hand,"If you'd just let me organise the baby's birth on Olympus, you wouldn't be in any of this kind of pain!"
She rolled her eyes," Yes, my Lord" I frowned, her tone seemed kind of mocking. That couldn't be right. I was a god. But I got the feeling Sally Jackson didn't care.
"But," she continued,"I want my child to have as normal a life as possible. The lives of other demigods you speak of don't sound safe, so I can't support a life like that for my son." I nodded - that seemed fair enough.

›Time skip cuz I don't know how birth works‹

He was a beauty. Most human children that I have laid eyes on are ugly beasts. Pudgy hands and legs, deformed faces and crying their little backsides off. But my child was special. That was a given though, considering who his father was. He wasn't crying, but glaring around the room with determination in his charming sea green eyes, daring all those that looked at him to call him 'cute'. Despite Sally's wishes, I knew he was going to be a fighter.

After the birth, he was given a customary hospital cot, but I was having none of it. No son of mine would be sleeping on that filth today. I ordered from Olympus's finest bed retailer - Sally at least let me do that much.

I sat on the uneven stool next to Sally's hospital bed as we watched our son sleep peacefully. He seemed to be dreaming and I wondered what a boy that young and inexperienced could possibly dream about. "What are we going to name him?" I muttered.
"I was thinking Perseus as a first name, after the hero that saved Andromeda and killed Medusa. Even if he isn't going to be a hero for the gods, he'll be my hero." I grinned fondly at how much thought she had put into this. "Will Perseus have a second name?"
"Yes," my love started, "Achilles, because no matter what, I know he will stay loyal and true to himself."
"Perseus Achilles Jackson," I murmured, standing to get a better look at my son.

Although he had a hero's name, I promised there and then that I would protect at all costs. I would let nothing distort those flawless features with pain. Nothing.

Sorry about the shorter chapter, the next one will be a bit longer. But, considering I'm updating quite frequently at the moment, I don't think you can be too mad at me :)

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