Chapter 2

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I know the title is rubbish, I'm sorry - I'm working on it. Also, apologies for killing Annabeth, I really didn't want to but for the sake of the story I had to. I love Jercy, so it will make an appearance eventually. The thing is, I read all these Jercy stories and it starts with Percabeth breaking up but I COULD NOT DEAL if that happened so I killed her instead. I know, I'm a monster.

Clint POV
Nick Fury was furious. It didn't take a genius to work it out, though for someone so successful and skilled, Tony Stark seemed to have a hard time realizing it. Clint sighed. The entire team had been sat there for thirty minutes waiting for the billionaire and the director's patience was waning. Finally, when Tony arrogantly sauntered in "fashionably late" they could start.

Fury glowered at the Iron Man as he lazily pulled out a chair and started messing about on it like a child. Changing the height and spinning around, he showed the director of SHIELD about as much respect as he would a doorknob. "Now that we are all present, we can begin." Clint raised his eyes to the chalkboard that had all the information written down about the suspect. There had recently been a leak in the organization so the spies had to erase any electrical files and go back to the methods used in the olden days.

Scrawled onto the board in barely legible handwriting was the name Jason Grace. Hmm, Hawkeye thought, he's only seventeen - what could SHIELD possible want with him?And was there a connection between him and the other teen they had been searching for? Over the past few months, Fury had been particularly persistent about the case of a boy by the name of Perseus Achilles Jackson. He wanted to recruit him to be a spy (the Avengers were a public group and it would reflect badly on the government if they were seen with a teen).

The team read through the information. Surprisingly, there was barely a page worth's of writing recorded.
Name: Jason
Mother: Beryl Grace
Mother's occupation: actress
Father: Unknown
Sibling(s): Thalia Grace
School(s): None
Notes: Missing at the age of 3, sister went missing a year later, mother died 15 months ago drink driving. Recently seen at Central Park cemetery (I don't know any real places in New York except Central Park so sorry if I make up random places).

"Wow," Steve commented. "This is really all we've got on him?"
"Yeah," added Natasha. "And what are you asking us to do? Detain a dead teenager?"
Clint looked over at Tony; usually he had something snarky to say about our missions, but he appeared to be (shockingly) deep in thought. "Stark, you got anything to say about this?" The captain asked, sharing Clint's ponderings."The director's ordering us to capture an innocent child."

Fury spoke calmly but commandingly, "Captain, I would hardly call him a child and I am merely telling you to bring him in for a few questions about where he's been for the past 14 years and what his relationship with the Jackson boy is."
"Jackson?" Clint piped up, "You think he has a connection with this Grace dude?"
"Yes, Barton. I do think he has a connection with this Grace dude, so I want you to bring Grace in and we can find out Jackson's whereabouts."

Tony pouted and furrowed his messy eyebrows. "Well, as much as I hate work, this will be one of the easiest missions ever so I'm in. How hard could it possibly be to capture a probably starved teenage boy?"

With that last remark, the meeting drew to a close and the Avengers left to suit up.

-----------------A few days earlier----------------

Jason POV
Rain showered down on me as trudged through the muddy grass of Central Park. It had been so long since I was last here - it was probably when my mom, Thalia and I came for a picnic the day Lupa found me. (I'm just making it up here.)

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