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Taehyung sneezed as he had finally made it to the cave, his sneeze resonated inside, causing the bats to fly out in a flurry of wings.

His eyes were bloodshot from crying, his nose ran without limits and he had almost collapsed at the entrance. His body was weak after days of not eating, yet still he pressed on, using the walls of the cave as a support while venturing in further.

He had to squint as the darkness edged on, until he heard footsteps clicking towards him. Taehyung stood stiffly, arms glued to his sides as he gulped nervously. "Took you long enough," a voice drawled, "I was beginning to wonder if you were too chicken to even show."

A deep chuckle followed.

Taehyung quivered as he felt the man's hot breath fan his hair, parting it back. "S...Sir Kim..." he started. "Well Taehyung? Spit it out, come on," the man circled him. "There was a demon in the village..." Taehyung managed to speak out, "I-I...It killed my father in front of my eyes... Please, sir..."

He begged with his puppy eyes.

The Hunter thought it over, before giving the boy a wicked grin, "Thank you for the information, Taehyung. You've been a great help. Do you have anything which was last touched by the demon so I can track him?" He nodded, pulling out a bloodied and torn piece of fabric, giving it to the elder.

"Thank you," the Hunter bowed.

Taehyung bowed back and scurried off, not wanting to be in that cave any longer. It had creeped him out, too much.

The Hunter took a whiff of the fabric, inhaling a familiar scent.

The scent of Jasmine.

His eyes whipped open, he remembered this scent.

He remembered returning to his childhood home during his adolescence, only to hear the glass shattering shrieks of agony, running into the house and saw his mother bent over the countertop, a demon with human-like features looming over her, giant, light, membranous, dragon wings folded onto his back as his horns elongated in size. He remembered the way his mother's eyes rolled back in utter pleasure, fluttering open and closed as the demon drove himself into her from behind, biting her lips to muffle her moans.

The sight had terrified him, more than he had ever been terrified in his life.

What had been the icing on the cake was a bulge which emerged out of her chest, revealing a stone hard member as blood splattered all over the place, onto the countertop and onto him.

That had been it for him.

He remembered screaming, almost shattering the glasses as the demon pulled out, before disappearing out of his sight. He remembered bawling his eyes out as he cried for his mother to wake up. Her temperature was decreasing, he scampered into the kitchen just as his mother's body collapsed onto the ground, and placed an ear on his mother's chest for at least some proof that she was still alive.

Her eyes were pale, dark, and dull. They had lost that special gleam of light, that spark of joy that grew weaker with each passing second.

The scene was too horrifying to look at, those eyes that weren't his mother's staring back at her, mouth left agape, blood pouring out in waterfalls as it formed a pool around her head.

A snarl escaped his lips as he crumpled the fabric in his hands, and slammed it onto the ground, a crack formed under it.

By his words, he will not rest until he kills that demon.

I'm coming for you, Jung Hoseok. You will never escape the hands of Kim Namjoon.


"Hellboy! No, stop! Hellboy!"

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