Sweet Nothing

700 20 2


I hear the cameras flickering as I look up to see the flashing lights at me.

I had just came back from a 5 hour sponsorship ad after arriving back to korea. i've been so exhausted from everything and I just want to go home into my boyfriend's arms.

"Jennie are the rumors true?" "Are you and Taehyung dating?" "Jennie answer us please".

I just want to yell out that i'm dating him so all of the questions can stop and so we can just live happily but we still have strict companies that don't allow us to do so.

Recently there have been pictures of Taehyung and I that have gotten leaked and its been hard to take in all of the hate but he has always been the best at helping me stay positive and I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

All the comments have been hating on me and I always show people around me that I don't care but Tae will always know how I really feel.

As if being one of the members of the biggest active girl group wasn't enough, i've also had to juggle keeping my relationship with Taehyung a secret from everyone. Group members and staff not included of course.

Aside from all the negativity, I am happily dating him and I wouldn't change anything for the world.

I get back to my senses as I get pushed by the paparazzi's and my manager helps me get into the vehicle and I hear my phone ringing.

'Tae ❤️'

I smile as I see his contact and I bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hey love" I hear his soothing voice that i've been waiting to hear for the longest time.

"Hi Tae" I say softly and can't stop myself from letting out a gummy smile. "I can hear your smile from here" he says.

"of course you do" I roll my eyes

"Are you coming home?" I can hear him pout from across the phone and I know its been a few weeks since we've spent time at our apartment with no schedules and distractions.

"I'm almost there just give me about 20 minutes" I look outside the window as I see all the paparazzi's and fans screaming while surrounding the van.

"Jen is there anything you want me to prepare for you at home". "Just anything you can find in the fridge".

I hear him giggle across the other line "Okay see you later, I love you Tae". "Love you too Jen"

I hang up the phone as I scroll on instagram and decide to make a post.

Not even 5 minutes later I see the comments filling up and my members and Taehyung have always told me to ignore them and never look at them but something always pulls me in to looking anyway.

I scroll down and I can already see the hate comments.

"Oh it's Taehyung's ugly girlfriend again" "Ew she's so ugly" "I don't know what Tae sees in that slut" "Ugh she should be doing more" "I can see their relationship ending soon".

"Cause they said the end is coming, everyone's up to something"

I can feel the tears building up in my eyes but I wipe them away and fall into a quick slumber.


I get woken up as I feel the car go in a familiar turn that indicates i'm home. "Finally, home" I say as I leave the van and head up the elevator to my apartment.

I run over to my door and I open it to see the view of Taehyung's back in a white t-shirt as he's humming while washing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Outside they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming"

He doesn't realize i'm home so I decide to try and sneak up behind him but before I could even get behind him i'm suddenly being lifted up in the air by this adorable giant.

I giggle as he spins me around and puts me down so he can kiss my lips. "I've missed you so much love" he lets out his boxy smile and engulfs me in another hug.

"Words can't even explain how much i've missed being in your arms" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck while he keeps his hands on my waist and we sway back and forth in each others arms for a few minutes.

"All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing."

"Come eat, we don't want the food to get cold" He walks me over to the table as he sets down the plate of tteokbeokki and sits next to me.

We eat for a few minutes while I discuss all the ad promotions i've been doing and he tells me about his members enlisting soon. My mind begins to get full of the hate comments from earlier and i'm starting to get scared that i'm not enough for Taehyung and he will leave me soon.

"Love, are you okay? You look like you're deep in thoughts". "No its okay" I smile and continue to eat my food but I can see the concerned look on his face and I know that he knows what i'm thinking.

"Jen you don't have to worry about everyone else. All they can do is hate because they will never understand what we have. Please ignore them love, I don't want you to get too worried about them" he holds my hands into his and he holds me closer. "I'm just too soft for all of it" I whisper as he brings up my face to look at his and he pecks my lips. I'm never one to admit my soft side because everyone sees me as the Jennie who has self confidence and doesn't care about what everyone else says. In reality, I break down very easily and not many people see this side of me.

"And the voices that implore, 'you should be doing more', to you I can admit, that i'm just too soft for all of it"

"I'm too lucky to have you" I say as I ruffle his hair "No, we're too lucky to have each other" he says and sits me on his lap as I hug him and I feel a tear escape my eye and go onto his shirt.

Even with all the negativity, he never fails to make me feel like i'm the happiest girl.


𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now