Ford x Reader (1)

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You were helping Ford with some important research on the chalkboard.

'There are so many calculations...' You thought to yourself, watching him mark things down and rant about his theories on where all these anomalies were coming from.

"... And they might just come from some other dimension... That's pretty obvious, but how? Maybe some.." " in the multiverse..?" You finished his sentence.
He looked in your direction with a surprised and exited smile, "Exactly!" He looked back at the board and continued.
"See? Someone gets it!" He complimented.


You both decided to leave the stuff behind to catch a coffee break.
You found Fiddleford in the same room, already drinking his own and reading a book he just got into.
For some odd reason, he was into romance, which is fine, but... nah, it's fine.

"Hey, Fidds!" Ford called out to the Fiddleford that was zoning out on the book.
"Huh? Oh, hey Stanford," Fiddleford didn't even look up from the book.
You peak at the book Fidds was reading.

"Words on the Ba -" he yanks the book out of view before you could continue reading the title.
"Hey! Why can't I see it?" You pout. He doesn't answer and leaves the room with his coffee and book. He's most likely leaving to his room to read in peace.

"Eh, he's just secretive," Ford makes an excuse for him, like he always does.


You and Ford both end your break and go back to work.

You weren't paying attention to what he was blabbering about. You were thinking about how you both met.

You weren't doing too well in life, that's for sure.
You were high on debt and hadn't paid your bills for a while, so you needed an outside job apart from working at the diner on the weekends, plus Wednesdays.

You heard about the people that live in the woods, so you decided that they may get very busy and need help.

You knocked on the door, and Ford was the one to answer. But he didn't answer like a normal person, he cracked open the door and asked for your name.
"Y/N," you replied.

"Okay, Y/N... What are you here for..?" He asked.
"I heard of you people here and thought you might need some help," you answered truthfully.

He was skeptical at first, but let you in.
'Wow... this place is a mess..' You thought to yourself the first time you walked into the house.
But with your OCD, you had a huge organization addiction.

And with that, a few days passed, and all the papers that were scattered around were put into nice piles.
He thought you'd be great help, so he suddenly just asked you about his projects and the anomalies he studied, which you found quite interesting.

And with that, you were now in the same room as him, and him nonstop talking about his research on some cow with multiple arms, and then that changed to the multi-bear.

But for some reason, you believed all the crazy things he was talking about.
Despite how ridiculous and ludicrous it sounded, you believed it.

"Hey, Ford..?" You interrupted, despite hating interrupting, you had to.
"Oh, uh, kinda ranted right there... Uh, what is it, Y/N?" He asked, smiling in your direction.

God, you love that smile..

"Uh.. Well, I probably should tell you this... Ford... it's 10:30 pm.." You hated to break the news to him because he seemed kind of excited when he was able to rant about this kind of thing to you.
"Oh.." The realization hits him and double-checks his watch.
"Dammit, you're right!" He chuckled.

"Well, we can continue this when you're back from work, tomorrow, perhaps..?" He asks.
You nod, and you both go to your bedrooms for the night.

(End for now.)

Bill Cipher / Stanford x Reader (LEMON WARNING!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora