Schhapteh 1

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Hi, bitches. Welcum too chapter 1 of (I forgot the name of this series omg.) Whatever let's just start.


A pound on the table. "Ughhh!" Groaned the rich bitch(a prince) . "Dad I want a Butler now! " he said. So the rich bitch is named Wilbur. He's kind of spoiled and stuff, yeah. "No worries, son. I'll find one right away." That was Wilbur's dad, Phil the king. Wilbur just stood up and left the dining room with a frown. The king called on some workers to find, people who are capable of being a Butler. After a day, there was, like- 20 people in the ball room. "Son come over too the ball room." The king said. "Just wait." The prince said. After 5 minutes the prince went down to the ball room.

The prince walked to the ball room, seeing 10 men and 10 women. Sadly Wilbur skipped all women. Expect one. Her name was Sally. The prince leaned down to Sally "hmmm... I think I might pick you." The prince said as Sally was just standing still, nervous. "Meh. I was mistaking. I don't like you, you smell like fish." Wilbur said mockingly, which pissed off Sally. There he goes skipping all women and proceeds to go to the men (what a gay bitch🙄) Wilbur skipped a slime boy, and a purple boy. "OOOOO! I WANT THEM BOTH!" Wilbur's annoying little brother popped out picking the slime boy and the purple boy as his butlers. "You want a Butler?to clean your shits? " Wilbur laughed mocking his little brother. "Nope! I just want someone to play with me." Wilbur's little brother named Tommy, answered. Wilbur just shrugged off and continued finding for his Butler.

Wilbur was just carefully looking at each men. Then he stopped at one. The man he stopped at was short. He had a dark, mullet hair. He was wearing a beanie. He looked kind of cute... Wilbur grabbed the man by his chin, lifting his head up. "What's your name? Your first name." Wilbur asked the man for his name. "A-Alex... But I prefer getting called,Quackity." Quackity answered. "Hm, you look kind of cute, Quackity." Wilbur suddenly said which made Quackity blushed a bit. "Thank you?..." Quackity said in confusion because idk... "Well, I'm hiring you." Wilbur had made his choice. "Dad, I'm taking him." Wilbur told the king. The king just nodded and made the other unpicked creatures leave.

"So, Quackity.. Come follow me. I'll lead you to your room." Wilbur said to Quackity. "Yes, your majesty." Quackity said back, as he bowed down to him. Wilbur smiled a bit "no need to do that. And call me Wilbur." Wilbur kindly told Quackity. Quackity just nodded and began to follow Wilbur for his room. And they stopped in a room with a number pinned in its door. "Heres your room." Wilbur opened the door for Quackity. Quackity just nodded again and went into his room. Wilbur closed the door for him and just left.

I'll end it here💔
I'M SORRY IF IT'S SHORT😭😭😭 but I'll promise to make longer chapters💪 I'll make chapter 2 maybe later. Well bye♥
Words count: 521

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