chapter. 2

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Yes you read this right, it's chapter 2 👽👽👽 and I know I said I was gonna do this yesterday , but you just don't know how excited I was, when I saw 26 people seeing this 😍💔 I'm so sorry I lied bbs.
But now, now let's continue with deh story 😊😊❤


"QUACKITY!" Wilbur shouted across the halls. Quackity quickly ran to Wilbur's room opening it quickly. "What's wrong, my prince?" Quackity asked. "Quick, come here. There's something under my bed-" Wilbur quietly whispered so that the thing that was under his bed couldn't hear it. "Ok?" Quackity just said and both began to look under the bed. Quackity went first and saw something...  "Heheheh..." That person was holding a bunch of jewelry. "WHAT THE FUCK, TOMMY!?" Wilbur onced shouted again. "Sir, I'm sure he's just joking around-" quackity was cut off with an index finger shutting his mouth. "Tell my father to meet up with me in the dining room." Wilbur said seriously. "Both of you leave, now." Wilbur said. Both followed his orders. "Well you really pissed him off." Quackity said to Tommy. "Well, I was going to return it! I needed some accessories for Charlie and purpled!" Tommy answered. "Why?" Quackity told Tommy. Tommy crossed his arms "we, we're playing a dress up game." Tommy kind of sounded emberassed.

Quackity just laughed and asked permission too join the game. Tommy, obviously accepted it. (I think I'm about to write a whole ahh dress up game.) Tommy led Quackity to his room. "Quackity the green dude is Charlie and the purple guy is the man behind the slaughter!/j (purpled)" quackity just nodded and tried his best not too laugh at the look of the 2 . It was damn hideous. Tommy got out some make ups and dresses for Quackity "Woah, woah, I don't think I want the make up..." Quackity said. Obviously he didn't want to end up as the other two. "Well, if you say so. Here! Come wear your dress!" Tommy took out a dress that looked like:

It fits him❤ Tommy just threw the dress in Quackity's arms and pushed him into his bathroom

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It fits him❤ Tommy just threw the dress in Quackity's arms and pushed him into his bathroom. "Go change!" Tommy ordered Quackity. Quackity had nothing to do but to sigh and eneter the bathroom. "By the way.. Where the hell did you even get those girly things!?" Quackity was confused on why Tommy had all those make ups and dresses. "I stole them" Tommy answered shutting the bathroom door. Quackity just shrugged and started removing his clothes and wore the dress. When Q was finished he walked out of the bathroom looking fabulous. (Just picture it in your mind Ong. It's hot...) "You look amazing!" Tommy said "kind of hot too-" The green boy, Charlie, said. "Agreed" purpled, agreed with Charlie. "What ever." Quackity rolled his eyes (sassy omg) and continued playing. They just kept playing and playing.

*KNOCK, KNOCK!* A knock was heard at Tommy's door. Tommy answered it right away. It was Wilbur. "Have you seen Qua-" Wilbur didn't finish his sentence because he was focused on the person with a black dress. "Wait who's that-" Wilbur finally realized it was Quackity. He just covered his mouth with a hand and was blushing. "Are you alright? " Tommy told Wilbur. Wilbur just looked away where no one can see his red face. "Yes... I-im ok.. Get down, Raccoon. On the dining room." Wilbur ordered Tommy. "Yeah, yeah. You go first, I'll clean up." Tommy answered. "Well I needa take Quackity" Wilbur grabbed Quackity's wrist but Tommy slapped his brothers hand off Quackity. "I need to say something to Quackity. You go first." Tommy said a bit pissed off. "What ever. Make it fast damn it." Wilbur left the room.

"I think I'm gonna get scolded at the dining room. Hehe.." Tommy said nervously. "About what?" Quackity asked. "Don't you remember? Ya know. The jewelry thingy?" Tommy made Quackity remember. "Ohh, right.. Well good luck-" Quackity gave luck to Tommeh. "Yeah, yea. Thenks now go to your boyfriend before he gets mad."the raccoon said. Tommy started pushing Quackity at the exit. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIE-" once again Tommy shutter the door at Quackity's face. "What happened-?" Wilbur just asked with confusion scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, nothing. Let's just go." Quackity held Wilbur's Wrist going to the dining room. "Hey, uhm are you still wearing that dress... You can change if you want. There's a bathroom close here." Wilbur kept staring at Quackity the whole time. "Well, I got no clothes for me too change on. So I should wait until I go back too my room. When's your talking with ya father and Tommy will end? " Quackity asked Wilbur. "Might end after- like about 30 minutes or more." Wilbur answered Quackity. "Well yeah. I might still wear this dress for 30 minutes more." Quackity scoffed. Wilbur just looked away at Quackity, hiding his burning face. Clearly both were still holding hands.

In the dining room.

The king was obviously first at the dining room. "My, king. The prince is here. Wilbur. " Quackity bowed down. "Thank you. Please let the prince sit down." Commanded the king. Quackity quickly followed that order making Wilbur sit. "Good afternoon, Father." Wilbur greeted his dad, sitting down gentley. "Question, please? Wilbur, why is your Butler in a dress. Did you guys had a date or something?" Philza was confused why Quackity was in a dress. "WHAT- Ahem... Well, not really. It was all Tommy's doing." Wilbur answered. Quackity was just at the doorway standing alone watching them speak. He laughed a bit when he heard the king said it. But still emberassed. "Speaking of Tommy where is he..."

"I'm sure he'll come here- just wait." Wilbur said. He lifted one arm onto the table to rest his head on his hand. He was just staring and Quackity for no reason. Quackity noticed and gave Wilbur some thumbs up as a sign, not to be nervous. Wilbur just gave him a soft smile. And finally... Charlie jumped in. "Greetings fellow Royaltys. Prince Tommy is now here." Charlie greeted as Tommy and Purpled came in. Both Butlers or Friends of Tommy stand by the hallway with Quackity. "Still in a dress I see? We're desame." Quackity told them both. They, 3. Started chatting as the Royal ones started talking about some things.

I'mma end it here🗿 I'm literally 2% and my eyes burns from using too much phone. But I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. 💔 maybe I'll do chapter 3 tomorrow or in a another day. Well bye bye, baes.

Words counted: 1110

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