Game 2

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District 8

Towards the end of the first day of reapings, it was 4 in the evening. The youths of District 8 were lined up in their age enclosures as the victor of the previous Games, Horus Greenstaff (Game 1) was shown a tour of the factories. Horus seemed bored as he looked around, and cut the meeting short to start the reaping.

Horus wished the odds be in the favor of all of the youths, a first which became a tradition for many kindhearted victors. He then reached into the female bowl, and removed the name of sixteen year old Zara Hoffman. A scream was heard as a girl with golden ringlets of hair and blue eyes was taken to the stage. Zara was embraced by Horus, who apologized to her. Zara worked in a sweater factory part time.

Meanwhile Horus was forced to reach into the male bowl, and he read aloud the name of Avon Creeley. A portrait was shown on the screen as peacekeepers walked into fifteen year old enclosure, and grabbed a boy who had been hiding with his friends. Avon had ebony skin and combed back dark hair, and he nervously shook Horus's hand, who stared at the young boy in amusement. Avon worked in a belt factory forty hours a week.

Zara was visited by her elder brother Anthem, his wife, and their three children. Zara sadly clung to her elder brother's shirt, and he tearfully told her that he loved her. He kissed her forehead before she was taken to the train.

Avon was visited by his elder sister, Crochetta, her husband, and their two sons. Avon told them both that he loved them, and promised to try and make them proud, before being taken to the train.

Zara and Avon walked onto the train, and saw a blonde woman sitting on a chair. She motioned the two of them over, and introduced herself as 28 year old Coutura Bell. She was a fashion designer who had learned fighting techniques, and she taught the two how to throw knives.

She seemed happy with both of them, and also taught them proper Capitol etiquette. When the train arrived at Snow Station, the two bowed and were polite.

The next morning, Coutura started on their outfits, cute pink and purple patchwork outfits with ruffles. She then turned on the television to District 4's reaping, claiming that District 4 always performed well.

District 4

Horus quite enjoyed the tour of the beach, and was refreshed by the time he arrived for District 4's reaping at noon. He reached into the female bowl, and removed the name of sixteen year old Oceanette West. A girl with ginger hair and blue eyes was taken to the stage, tears streaming down her face. Horus embraced her, before turning to the male bowl. Oceanette attended school, while her parents were fishermen.

Horus reached into the male bowl, removing the name of fifteen year old Steward Croft. A shorter boy with brown hair and blue eyes walked to the stage, and shook Horus's hand. Steward did not seem to be upset, and simply smiled politely at Horus, who seemed impressed with the calmness that Steward had. Steward was in school, and also worked in a fish oil factory part time on the weekends.

Oceanette was visited by her parents, and younger sister Marinella. She hugged both of them, and promised to try and return.

Steward was visited by his parents and younger brother Finnos. He told them that he had a plan in how to win, and hugged his family. He was then taken to the train.

Upon entering the train, Oceanette and Steward met their mentor, a 40 year old former wrestler named Octopius Wilkinson. Octopius asked his tributes to show him how they used a trident, and gave them both corrections. He then taught them about various poisonous plants and fruits, and then how to stitch up a wound.

When they arrived at Snow Station, both tributes followed their mentor through the crowd, and posed for some pictures along the way.

When they arrived back at the apartment, they met their stylist, Hector Gaul. He chose to dress them in outfits that had bubbles on it, that were filled with water. The outfits were a bit heavy, but Steward and Oceanette managed it well.

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