Game 3

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District 6

Steward Crowley (victor of the 102nd Games) stood in front of the morphling infested crowd of youths. He reached into the female bowl, and selected the name of  seventeen year old Chelsey Hagan. A girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes walked to the stage, obviously having imbibed a bit of alcohol. Chelsey shook Steward's hand, and promptly threw up on the ground. Steward was disgusted, but some avoxes cleaned up the mess. Chelsey was known in her circle of friends for being an alcoholic.

Steward took a few moments, before reaching into the male bowl. He removed the name of seventeen year old Memphis Mendes. A young man with olive skin, dark reddish brown hair, and brown eyes walked to the stage, and rather rebelliously held his hand up in a three finger salute. Memphis had lost his cousin, Lorraine, in the previous Games. Several members of the crowd copied this motion, but Steward and Chelsey were dragged into the town hall.

Chelsey was visited by several drunk friends of hers. At this point, Chelsey had no family. They drunkenly joked around, before Chelsey was taken away.

Memphis had a black eye when he was visited by his parents and four siblings. Memphis promised to try and return, and be District 6's first victor of the new era.

Upon entering the train, Chelsey and Memphis met their mentor, a 25 year old former rebel named Peoria Dixon. She smirked at Memphis, and congratulated him on his rebellious behavior. She then turned to Chelsey, and injected her with a alcohol antidote.

Chelsey's eyes immediately filled with tears when she realized where she was, and Peoria simply reminded Chelsey that she had to make an effort to win. Peoria taught both tributes how to camouflage and how to throw knives. Both Chelsey and Memphis improved their skills slightly.

At the train station, Memphis and Chelsey were booed by the crowd of Capitol citizens, and Peoria hurried them past the crowd, some of whom even threw apples.

At the apartment, Peoria welcoming their stylist, Anamaria Harrington. Anamaria seemed disgusted to be placed with District 6's tributes, and simply chose a black cloaked outfit to place them in.

Peoria turned on the television to District 1's reaping, and explained that this District had performed lukewarm for the past two Games, despite being a former career district.

District 1

Steward seemed impressed by the beautiful statues surrounding reaping square. He reached into the female bowl, and removed the name of seventeen year old Amethyst Taylor. A girl with ginger curls of hair and blue eyes walked to the stage, and seemed upset that no one volunteered for her. Amethyst was the only daughter of one of District 1's wealthiest families. She started to cry, and her brothers were heard calling her name from the adult area of the crowd.

Steward then reached into the male bowl, and removed the name of thirteen year old Jett Bryant. A scream of horror was heard as a small boy with ebony skin, dark curls of hair, and brown eyes walked to the stage. Jett was from a poor family, living in a poor area of District 1 called the Stone. Many in the Stone lived in poverty.

Amethyst visited with her father and three brothers, and fiercely promised to return, and bring the family honor.

Meanwhile Jett visited with his parents and six siblings. He promised to try his best to return, but it was apparent that Jett returning was pretty much hopeless.

On the train, Amethyst and Jett met their mentor, a former beauty model and spear throwing champ, 23 year old Anthra Jones. Anthra was a part of the Jones family, the largest family in District 1.

She handed Amethyst a spear and asked her to throw it, which Amethyst did well enough. Amethyst explained that she enrolled in one of District 1's training academies, but was never planning to volunteer.

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