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Silver sauntered onto the deck, he scanned the scene before him - a typical morning on the Hispaniola with crew members scurrying about, lost in their duties. Just as he was about to continue on his way, his gaze fell upon Arrow perched atop a barrel, deep in thought.

Silver approached  Arrow with a smile, noticing that he looks down.

"Morning Arrow, what's going on? Anything I can help with?"

Arrow looked up and sighed . "Just feeling a bit down. It's been a rough week. Don't get me wrong, I love being away from home - it's all I've ever wanted - but the workload has been overwhelming."

Silver nodded in understanding. "I know the feeling. Sometimes a good cocktail is all you need to lift your spirits.I'll be right back."

Silver headed over to the kitchen and began to mix a few ingredients together. Arrow peeked through the door and he then walked in, watching as Silver skillfully poured the mixture into a glass and gave it  to him.

"Here, drink up. My special cocktail creation. It's guaranteed to cheer you up."

Arrow took a sip and his eyes light up in surprise. "Wow, Silver. This is delicious. What's in it?"

Silver grinned . "That's my secret, Arrow. A little bit of magic and a lot of love."

Arrow laughed and took another small sip. "Thanks, Silver. I needed that."

Silver smiles. "Anytime. Now let's go back outside, shall we."

After stepping outside, however, Arrow began to vomit within a few minutes.

Silver watched as  Arrow started vomiting , feeling a twinge of guilt for giving him such a strong cocktail. But despite being taken aback, he tried to keep his expression neutral and calm, not wanting to appear weak or apologetic.

"There, threre, take it easy." he said, patting Arrow's back.

But inside, Silver was starting to worry. He didn't want Arrow to get sick or hurt on his watch. And yet he couldn't bring himself to admit to the mistake and apologize.

Suddenly, Arrow collapsed onto the ground and the other pirates on the ship rushed over to check on him. Everyone was worried. Silver was the only one who acted calm. Dr. Livesey quickly arrived at the scene, holding his medical kit on his right hand.

"Give him space. He needs air. " Livesey instructed, kneeling down beside Arrow.. His face showed a look of concern, even though he was smiling.

The other pirates hesitated for a moment before stepping back and giving Arrow some room. Silver felt a knot of anxiety in his stomach, but he tried to push it aside.
"Is he breathing?" Alan asked, hovering anxiously over Arrow.

Doctor Livesey checked  Arrow's breathing and pulse, nodding slowly to himself as he confirmed that the boy was still alive.

"He's stable for now." Livesey said, answering the unasked question."We need to get him to the medical bay and figure out what's going on."

The pirates sprang into action, carrying  Arrow carefully to the medical bay. Silver followed behind.

When they arrived at the medical bay, Silver took a deep breath and prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. He may have acted calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was full of guilt and worry.

As Dr. Livesey started examining Arrow, the crew gathered around, their expressions tense and worried. Silver hung back, still feeling guilty and anxious. Captain Smollett, Squire Trelawney and Jim, stood next to Dr. Livesey, watching his every move.

Dr. Livesey's tone was soft yet decisive as he removed his glasses and shared his diagnosis: "He's dehydrated and his blood pressure is low. I will conduct bloodletting on him and keep a close watch on his condition. It appears to be a case of.. alcohol poisoning."

The rest of the crew murmured their agreement, their eyes never leaving  Arrow's still form. It was clear that they were all deeply concerned about his well-being.

But as the minutes ticked by and  Arrow still failed to recover, the other pirates began to grow restless and suspicious.

"This is all your fault, Silver! " one of them snarled, turning to face Silver, who was standing in the corner of the room, smoking his pipe.

"You gave him that drink!" another agreed, his expression dark and accusing.

Silver slowly took the pipe from his mouth. He knew that they were right, of course - it was his fault for not thinking more carefully about the cocktail he had given Arrow.But he couldn't bring himself to admit it. His pride and ego were too powerful, and he still desperately wanted to maintain his tough exterior.

"I was only trying to help him relax," Silver said stiffly. "I didn't know he'd react like this."

The crew members didn't seem convinced by Silver's excuse, but they didn't press the matter further. Instead, they focused on  Arrow, hoping against hope that he would pull through. For Silver, though, the guilt and shame would linger long after Arrow had recovered.

The Hangover From Hell(Treasure island 1988 oc fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now