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Silver smiled and took a seat next to Arrow's bed. He had no intention of leaving him alone, at least not until he knew that he was feeling better.

As he sat there, he thought about what he could do to make Arrow feel more comfortable. Suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind and he began to hum a tune. It was an old song that he had learned when he was younger, but he knew that Arrow wouldn't mind.

As he began to hum, he watched as Arrow's eyes began to droop. The boy had been through a lot that day, and Silver knew that he needed to get some rest. So, he began to sing softly, his voice low and soothing.

At first, he was hesitant and self-conscious - he hadn't sung in front of anyone in years. But as he felt the tension in the room begin to ease, he found that his voice grew stronger and more confident.

"I have faith in you, my sweetheart." he sang softly, his eyes fixed on Arrow's peaceful form. "That faith has shielded me from bullets in this dark night ..."

In the depth of the night, everyone was in deep sleep except for Jim. The thought of the mutiny had given him insomnia, leaving him wide awake and restless. It was suddenly that a peculiar sound reached his ears, slicing through the silence. Jim immediately recognized Silver's voice, as he listened to his song.

Intrigued and cautious, Jim untangled himself from the comfort of his hammock, careful not to wake anyone who was sleeping in the room with him.

Tiptoeing, he made his way towards the staircase, heart pounding in his chest. His hand slowly but carefully once again grasped the handle of the trapdoor. Pushing it open, Jim ascended to the upper deck, moving silently as a shadow.

As he walked closer to the medical bay, he was taken aback to find Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney creeping along the passageway beside him. The flickering candlelight held by Dr. Livesey illuminated their trepidation, casting eerie shadows upon their faces.

Jim's eyes met the doctor's, and in that moment, an unspoken bond formed between them. A smile danced across Jim's lips, mirrored kindly in Dr. Livesey's gaze.

Curiosity propelling them forward, the trio cautiously peered through the slightly ajar door, their eyes widening in astonishment. There, seated beside the bed of the sick Arrow, was none other than Silver.

As Captain Smollett approached, he noticed the group sitting and staring at something with fascination.

Curiosity overtook him as he approached the trio to find out what had caught their attention.

"What's going on here?" Captain Smollett asked as he joined the three men at the door.

"It's Long John Silver, singing a lullaby to Arrow," Doctor Livesey replied softly, not wanting to interrupt the beautiful moment.

Captain Smollett listened for a few moments and couldn't help but be moved by the sound of Silver's voice. In this moment, he could see why his crew was so loyal to him.Or perhaps it was because they feared him, but Smollett was sure for one thing now:That Silver perhaps, had some empathy in him.

After a few more minutes of admiring Silver's singing, they all quietly made their way back to their cabins, the song still echoing in their minds.

"That is oddly sweet of him.. " Captain smollett whispered at Dr livesey, with him nodding in agreement,as they walked back to the captain's cabin.

Eventually, Arrow's breathing evened out and he fell into a deep sleep. Silver continued to sing, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment as he watched his friend rest. After a while, he knew that it was time to stop, but he decided to stay a while longer, just to make sure that Arrow was truly comfortable.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he stood up from his chair and stretched.
He then leaned over Arrow's bed, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead. He knew that it was a small gesture, but he hoped that it would convey the depth of his gratitude and affection for the young boy.

"You're going to be okay, Arrow," he murmured softly, his words barely audible. "I'll be here for you, always."

As he pulled away, he saw a small smile cross  Arrow's lips. Silver smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Silver stepped outside the medical bay only to be greeted by a pitch-black sky that enveloped the entire ship. The moon was nowhere to be seen, and the stars remained shrouded by a thick layer of clouds. The only source of light came from the ship's dimly candles flickering in the distance, casting eerie shadows along the deck. It was as though the darkness had swallowed the entire ocean,

He walked down the corridor and reached the deck. The crew members were all asleep, and the only sound that could be heard was the ocean's gentle waves. Silver gazed up at the stars for a moment before heading to the sleeping quarters.

The Hangover From Hell(Treasure island 1988 oc fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now