Dreams - No Extinction by Gloria E. Gherardi

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They appear with rebellious outburst,

disappear and appear,

I eliminate them or accept them.

Ants that move,

spreading a sour aroma,

when pursuing an anonymous shortcut.

Forgetful temporary preservation,

swap of hidden agitations,

of an undivided event.

They move away, they keep themselves,

they are scarecrows of conscience,

to brokenness under destruction.

Cloudy waters of concealment,

and diaphanous waters of prominence.

Metamorphosis to own oppressions,

energetic denial when expressing them.

Stranger and distant breath,

overwhelming in its achievement.

Fear of the unknown,

for daily lemurs,

of severe deficiencies,

due to immovable obstructions.

Failures of legacies,

inept challenge.

Free collapse into the void

and an unforeseen stoppage,

bending resources and fervor

to conquer them without breaking.

Blow on the cobblestone,

and an intrepid uprising.

Path to dreams,

mysterious and recondite,

they resurface in the heart,

with a hullabaloo of the shadow,

they are reborn and settle,

existing eternally.

Dark mornings,

and clear nights.

Storm of visions

misery in deliberation,

of a possessed chimera

that it is summarized.

Mercy on the walls,

that the hidden determination

requires explanation

by habit and talent,

routing the dream

towards the recondite of the being.

Relentless resistance,

to the peculiar parsimony.

Conversion to sorcerer,

of untouched traces,

where nobody has stepped,

inexperienced concoction of skills.

Maker of truncated

and revived dreams,

besides of few successful ones,

eliminating the useless,

versatile every second

of the same verve.

Sadness of embargo,

acceptance of clemency,

because there is an imminent victory.

Shortcuts taken,

changing from gray to reddish,

transfiguring itself in quiet victories.

Belief of my outstretched wings,

belief of the inadmissibility,

I perceive an internal conversation,

where the glare will predominate

to seduce success,

of the unmistakable dreams.

No Extinction by Gloria E. GherardiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang