How I see You

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A lot of things had happened between the both of us. From the moment that I saw you, I felt something different. I was stunned to speak - up.

You are the stranger whom I never thought I'd be friends with. You are the random person whom I've never thought I'd get a chance to talk with. And most of all, you are now my unexpected buddy whom I never want to lose.

I cannot explain everything through words, but when I look into your eyes, I see a connection. Maybe, you wouldn't see me the same way as how I look at you, but that doesn't change my perspective. You are truly the one I always hope to stay within my life.

Losing you is like losing a puzzle piece that even if I can complete the art, there will still be a missing part. I am not begging you to stay here. When you want to go, then you are free to walk away.

Writing something for someone is a risk and I have no regrets that I did it. A thousand of words would never be enough for me to thank you, but it is still a great thing for you to know that you are worth it from the eyes of others. That you deserve to have that place in someone's life.

You are such an amazing person. Know that I would always remember you. I'm wishing to see you again... over and over again.

Hi, stranger, I miss you Where stories live. Discover now