Chapter 1 - Pink box from the past

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A/N: HEY and welcome to my new story! I just wanna start off and say that this story is based of an animated scene of Hellavu.

And I've created a story around it. And most of y'all have probably seen this animation, I've seen it on tik tok because I believe it has been taken down from YouTube.

I could not find the creator of this sadly but some rumors said it was made by vivzie and was a spoiler to future episodes so it got taken down, but I don't know. If you recognize the scene when it comes and know who animated it please notify me so I can give credit :)

The sound of drips echoed in the dark room, the lights were off and it was just about mid night when Stolas was sleeping on a chair with half of his body fallen over the counter. It was peaceful, only the drips.

Stolas was still moving in is sleep, his hand slowly moved to the side. Unfortunately the cup that was standing on the edge of the counter was dangerously close to being pushed off. His hand kept moving until it was pushing the cup, but Stolas was still sleeping unbothered.

The cup scraped against the countertop until the screaming stopped followed by a loud breaking sound.

That sound of the cup breaking shot Stolas awake. "Via!" His tires eyes widened, he looked around to see that he had fallen asleep in the kitchen. He exhaled shakily as his head fell to his hands.

He flinched by his head hitting his face, a strange pain in his head. His fingers curiously felt around his face til he touched a spot and flinched in pain. 

He slowly moved his body off the chair,  "argh" he flinched, simply moving off the chair made his body hurt multiple places.

He slowly walked toward the bathroom and pushed the door open, he covered his eyes by the bright light in the room.

Through the gap of his fingers he could see his reflection in the mirror, slowly he moved the fingers away from face and leant his body over the sink.

His hair and feathers was messy and unclean, and his eyes had big eye bags under them. But what concerned him the most was the bruises around his face and body.

Multiply places around his torso and especially one big purple circle covering the right eye.

"Oh no" he sniffed scrunching his feathers. When? Did this happen to him. He haven't been-

"Stella..." he whispered, the memory came to mind as flashed.

He was in the living room with Stella, they have had an argument as usual. They had been arguing a lot lately, even though he tried his best to make everything work. All he ever wanted was just a family.

And poor Via, he couldn't imagine all the pain he was putting her through. And she was barely 5...

The thoughts consumed his mind and made his eyes wet and teary. His body began to shake with his cries.

"Oh no, not my sweet Via-" he stuttered before he took a deep breathe and let out a loud cry "I am s-so terribly sorry".

The crying kept going until his body didn't have the strength to keep him up anymore so he fell to the ground.

Hugging himself trying to be comforting didn't help. He desperately tried to look around for anything that could help, until his eyes spotted a pink container standing on the shelf.

He tired wipe his tears and supported himself to the wall to get up. He reached up to the box and held it close.

Happy pills, it stood. On the back of the pills it stood a prescription. It was prescribed to him. Happy pills went through his mind.

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