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First day

it is the first day of year 7 and I can't lie it's been calm so far .

The summer was great me  and gabby kept in touch and met up a lot.

I am currently in English which is really interesting .

I personally love English as it gives me a chance to express my ideas especially in descriptive writing .

I Also love reading which is probably why I like writing.

"yo, tehila " I hear jadon say


"Can I have your snap " he asks catching me by surprise


"Why not " jadon  says smirking


I write it down for him as he smiles

We have now finished English and it's break but after jadon had asked me for my snap he was all that was on my mind .

Jadon jadon jadon

"Girl , guess what happen " I say running up to gabby

"Jadon asked for my snap "


"Keep your fucking voice down their coming "

"Aww tehila has a cr-"

" tehila has what " reiss asks

" tehila has a crow " gabby responds

"That's sick " reiss answers causing me and gabby to look at each other smiling

"What lesson do you guys have next "

We all check our timetable and we all have history .

"Omds I swear history is so shit " gabby says

"At least we're in your class" jadon says which ends in me and Gabriella laughing

We are now on history and I swear to god this history teacher is so jarring

Nah cause I swear she is just waffling on about some random shit.

Even Gabriella agreed

I js wanna get the lesson done with because I can't be asked .

Without even noticing I have zoned out staring at jadon admiring each feature .

"excuse me ,the girl staring at jadon " the teacher shouts

I realise my face has gone red as fuck and everyone is staring at me .

Jadon looks back at me smirking , gabby looking with a concerned look and reiss , well reiss js looks like he has no clue what's going on .


I mean at least it's the last period, then I can go home and sleep.

The lesson is over and I quickly get my bag and walk out avoiding having to encounter anyone .

As I am speed walking out of the gates towards my bus stop I see jadon , gabby and reiss behind me .


"Yo, ain't that Tahila " I ask

"Where?" Gabby responds

"There " I say pointing causing the girl to speed walk towards her

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