From little things, big screams grow

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Time for an update, since I'm feeling quite annoyed.

No. Annoyed isn't enough to cut it.

I'm ready to kill.

Before you guys start to think I'm a psychotic killer, I'll explain the situation.

I live in a duplex. It's the type of house that's virtually two houses, mirror images of each other are put together to share a common wall (on different sides).

The problem starts when my neighbours get a baby. That baby was born sometime last year (or maybe the year before, I can't remember). So this baby, lets call the baby X.

Baby X is more than on year old now, but not yet two.

Baby X also likes to wake up in the middle of the night and scream. Scream a constant high-pitched noise that goes up an octave then goes down and fades away. It continues every 3 seconds. 10 if I'm lucky.

Because Baby X sleeps in a room that is pretty much on the other side of the wall to me, I get woken up at all odd hours because of the infernal kid. The rest of my family also hear it (my sister and dad sleep straight through it but me and my mum are woken up).

The thing is, Baby X doesn't scream because he's hungry or anything. He just screams cause he wants to and wants the attention. His parents are also going mad, but they rarely say anything about it (they apologised once but that was at the beginning of the year - I'm seriously wondering what the parents are doing). I don't want to judge or anything, but when you're studying and getting ready for an exam and can't get sleep, you're at the end of your tether.

Also, Baby X's parents had another baby earlier this year. Let's call it Baby Y.

Baby Y is a cute baby. He does not scream like his terrible older brother (he's too young for that in all honesty). However, when X has his temper tantrum, Y is unfortunately woken up and you have a cacophony of screaming and crying.

At one point, it was impossible to sleep in the room I was sleeping in because of the screaming every night. It's the loudest in there but you can still hear it anywhere else in the house. At one point, I was sleeping on the floor of my parent's room because the noise made my room inhabitable (Graaah!).

Last night, I ended up moving to the sofa downstairs and slept there because of the stupid child's screams.

Then this morning, Baby X began his ritual of pushing chairs around. I don't know why, but next door has a marble floor like others, and wooden chairs, which Baby X enjoys pushing around. It's that sound that sets your teeth on edge, and when you're already preparing for school, that sends you off the edge. Considering it's so loud we can hear it from our half, how does his parents stand it?

I am seriously getting pissed.

Before someone starts yelling at me for being inconsiderate to the baby's parents, I'll say this.

I am not saying that Baby X and Y's parents are horrible people. I am just saying that they should maybe try and be more considerate of the neighbours. Even stopping the kid from pushing around chairs would be a good start. And working on their hypocrisy.

When we had our house renovated, they had the nerve to come over at about 7 or 8 when some builders were finishing work and tell us that we were too loud.

Touché. At least we're not waking you up at 2-5 am in the morning.

Rant done.

Soo, here's a question.

Should I do anything about this issue? Or should I just stay silent and invest in earplugs?

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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