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Cost smiled as the wind blow past his skull, he was currently riding a gaster blaster high above ebbt city when suddenly

"What the-" his magic went out and he sent barreling to the hard ground "fuck, shit please" he said trying  to Summon magic but when he did it would immediately disappear "no no no" he panicked as the ground and him were about to have a heart felt kiss and then-

He crashed into a wall

grasping the front of his skull he look around there were a punch of monsters and humans standing around

"what the-" most of the sanses there looked insane the one and those who didn't seemed uncomfortable, suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder 

"hey pal" dustdust said, despite his look he actually pretty chill "your knew here aren't you" he asked cost looked around again before nodding "well I guess I'll give the run down of our, were basically in the part of multiverse that is old and i...

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"hey pal" dustdust said, despite his look he actually pretty chill "your knew here aren't you" he asked cost looked around again before nodding "well I guess I'll give the run down of our, were basically in the part of multiverse that is old and ignored curtly we are being forced into a arena and fight you the death winner goes home but..." dustdust didn't finish  as cost understood what he was saying

"but the winner never leaves and the loser are suck in loop aren't they" Cost said making dustdust node in conformation "well shit" he stated the most dry voice he could muster then he looked around and saw a group of humans holding himself together

Seeing his curious gaze Dustx2 scoffed
"A bunch humans often huddled together to increase there chance of survival" Dustx2 chuckled "it's funny most of use here back stab our frinds just to make the human feel a bit of our pain and here we are" stuck in a loop, Cost grimaced before this life he always thought that most sans were just lazy guys that were driven to madness but now he saw a bunch skeleton that decided to never dedicate them selves to nothing more than there brother or family

'Or they end up like Killer' shaking away his thoughts Cost walked up to one of the humans this one haveing the soul of Integrity "hey kid" the child jumped at the sound of his voice her body starting to shake "well then I've decided to beat the fuck out of a child" he said out causing the soul of Integrity to slowly backing away

While he did not want to scare the child he did want to punish the child

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