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Vance's Pov:

I turn around to see Robin?! I feel tears start to prickle my eyes. I hold my tears back trying not to let any emotion show, I mean I have cried in front of Robin before, but that's when we were kids."Robin?" He looked at me and smiled,"Hey Vancey how are you." I run over to him tackling him to the ground,"I SWER TO GOD ROBIN, WHY DIDN'T YOU RESPOND WHEN I TRIED TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD DIPSHIT!" I say while punching him in the stomach,"Look Vance I'm sorry I was trying to run away from a zombie and the only thing I had was the walkie talkie to defend myself with so I threw it at them!"

He says while frowning,"I'VE BEEN ALIVE THIS WHOLE TIME THINKING YOU WERE DEAD." I say Angrily,"LOOK IM SORRY MI AMIGO" He yells back. My siblings tried to get me off of him, but failed. I finally got off of him and sit on the dead tree stump Griffin was sitting on before.

Robin's Pov:

I got up after, Vance got off me. I looked at the two people Vance was with, I only recognized one of them which was Griffin. Griffin saw me and, immediately ran over to me hugging me tightly,"ROBIN!" The little boy said happily,

"Hey Griff how are you?"

"Good." The little boy said with a smile. I Started walking over to Vance and the little girl that he was talking to, griffin following from behind,"Hey vance, who she?" Vance just sighed in response,"This is my little sister Vanessa, the one I told you about."

"Oh yeah I remember now, well nice to meet you I'm Robin."

I put my hand out for her,"Nice to meet you too Robin." She shook my hand and smiled,"Vance told me about you." I looked at her confused,"Wait he has?" I asked,"Yeah he did."

"Oh I didn't know."

"Well now you do."

She said it with a with a sassy attitude. I look at Vance,"Is she always this sassy?" I ask? Vance looked at me and sighed,"Yeah she is."

"I'm not sassy!"

"Yeah you are!" Griffin says snappingly. Me and Vance watch as they start arguing back and forth,"Hey Vancey?"

"Yeah Robby."

"What is it like to have siblings, like them?"

He looks down for a minute before responding,"It's okay ig"He mumbles looking back down again.

I looked at his siblings who surprisingly were "Still" arguing,"You must be lucky to have them."I looked over at him and he was smiling a little, but he was obviously trying to hide it, He mumbles something but I couldn't hear what he said, We continued watching his siblings fight for a little, after a little they stopped,"I think we should leave now before any zombie's come, plus it's getting dark and I didn't bring a fucking flashlight." Vance said while looking at everyone,"Good idea Vancey" I say "Oh fuck you Robin", he responded,"Finally." Vanessa says while rolling her eyes,"Alright." Griffin replied.

Vance's Pov:

"Alright great, now come on dipshits let's go." I say getting up off the dead tree stump,"Hijo de puta." Robin mumbles loud enough for me to hear, I look at everyone for a minute, noticing Griffins facial expression change from smiling to concerned.

"Griff what's wrong." I asked,"B-Behind y-you." He replied,"Dipshit are you trying to scare me I ask,"N-No I'm not." I looked behind me, but no one was there,"Stop trying to scare me Griffin cause it's not going to work dipshit."
"But I'm not trying t-" I saw his eyes widen,"Vance..."Robin says,"Not now Robin."


"Not now Robin!"

"VANCE LOOK BEHIND YOU!"My sister shouts. I tried to turn around, but before I could, I got knocked out. Everything was blurry I heard Robin screaming Spanish at who I'm assuming knocked me out. I could also here my brother crying for me to wake up, and my sister panicking, Then everything went black, I couldn't see or hear anyone, nothing, but silence and pitch black.

End of chapter!!!

Also btw don't worry about Vance he'll be fine (For now)

Also I'm sorry if my Spanish/French is wrong I'm using google translate(And if I forget to translate something)

Word count: 740 words!

See you next chapter pookie😗

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