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Billy's POV:

I watched as Finney struggled to pick up Vance and bring him upstairs,"A little help here!" Finney said frowning,"Is Vance really that heavy?" I asked,"Yes he is!"Finney replied accidentally dropping Vance again, but he caught Vance's head before it could hit the ground.

I decided to finally help. I walked over and grabbed his legs while Finney grabbed his arm.'Wow Finney wasn't lying he is heavy' I thought to myself. We didn't have any struggles with the others, but it's probably because they were around our age while except for Vanessa and Griffin, but still. "Why couldn't your sister Gwen help?" I ask,"She's sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up." Finney says in response. Eventually we finally got him up the stairs we ended up putting him on Finney's dads bed, plus it was the closest room,"And we're done" I say smiling at him in response he just gives a thumbs up and a smile,"Vance is going to kill us"I heard him say to himself quietly,"Finney, Vance isn't going to kill us..actually yes, yes he will." I say looking at Finney who had a nervous smile.

We were about to walk back downstairs when we heard someone say something behind us. We turned and saw Robin in  front of us,"BILLY, FINN?! YOUR ALIVE?!" He said sounding surprised. Me and Finn just nod.


Tbh I thought everyone else died, but ig I was wrong. I ran up to Finney and hug him tight,"Mi amor!" I say smiling,"I really need to learn what that means." He says frowning. I looked down for a minute and realized Finney's right arm was gone and replaced with bandages. I jumped back a little in surprise,"What happened?!" I asked. Finney just looked at me confused,"Your arm mi amor?"

"Oh right uh it's a long story"

"Oh okay ig" I say while looking around"Where's Bruce?" I ask. When I said that Finney and Billy just looked at each other"Where is Bruce he's with you guys right?" I ask again,"We actually don't know where he is.." Finney responds,"We couldn't find him" Billy adds,"HEY GUYS!" I heard Vanessa say as she jumped on my back which made me fall to the ground face first.

Vance's POV:

I woke up to a thud. I quickly got up, which made me a little dizzy. I also had a headache that hurt like hell. I exited the room and walked into the hallway. I noticed everyone except for Bruce, Gwen, or Griffin but Gwen and Griffin were probably asleep or doing something plus I know Gwen never leaves that dipshits side, so she has to be here with them. I don't know about Bruce tho, but I shouldn't worry too much about it. Tho I always use to hate Bruce for his perfect hair, perfect smile, and his beautiful eyes..

But some things are different then they were before, Like how Bruce is now my boyfriend, and how I don't hate his guts anymore, but other than that nothing else changed. I decided to walk up to them,"Hey dipshits" I say,"Hey Vancey." Robin replies,"Ve te faire foutre Robin." I respond.

(Finney's Pov now)

Everyone was talking and joking around while Griffin was asleep on the couch and Robin was fighting with Vance I couldn't understand what they were saying tho, since Robin was yelling in Spanish And Vance was yelling in French. I decided to leave the room and take a breather. Everything happened so fast The apocalypse, having to cut off my arm, and Billy almost getting bit by a zombie.

I'm just glad I still have gwenny...When I found the others I was so happy..I was sure that everyone probably just left or died. Tbh I wish everything would just go back to normal, but I know that's never going to happen. 'we're not going to get out of this alive are we?' I think to myself,'No Finney you can't think like that we will make it out alive..right?' I think to myself again. I really wish Bruce was here rn. He always knows what to do, plus he's the only one that knows how to keep Vance calm and from not murdering Robin. I was pulled out of thought when I heard Robin's voice,"Hey Finn you okay you've been in here for a while" Robin asks. I must've been thinking too much that I lost track of time,"Yeah, I'm fine Rob."

"You sure?"

I just nod and smile. I knew he probably knew that I was lying since we have known each other since childhood, but he didn't say anything. I walked past him and I saw that Billy, Gwen, Vanessa, and Griffin were asleep. Vance was still up which wasn't really a surprise.

One time we had a sleepover at Bruce's house, and Vance stayed up until morning, we all know because Bruce asked him if he went to sleep. But, anyway I sat on the floor as Robin came and joined me. We talked for a little while, until I decided to go to sleep. I closed my eyes and layed my head on Robin's shoulder.


I watched as Finney fell asleep on Robin's shoulder as me and Robin talked and insulted each other a couple of times. Robin eventually fell asleep, but I didn't. I couldn't sleep which wasn't rare, recently I hadn't been sleeping well especially after what happened with me and Bruce before this whole fucking mess started.

Me and Bruce had just gotten into a argument and I said something I regret saying. He started ignoring me and he refused to say even a single word to me. The one day I was finally going to apologize, the zombie apocalypse starts just my fucking luck. I know now I'll never get to tell Bruce I'm sorry and I didn't mean anything I said when I started shit talking about him. In reality, I didn't even fucking mean what I said. I was just too angry to realize and I just wanted someone to take my anger out on, and ofc it had to be my own boyfriend.

I bet Bruce still hates me even if it was a year ago. Tbh I wouldn't even blame him, I don't deserve to be apologized too, I should just give up at this point. I'm fucking useless anyway.
Another chapter finished!

Sorry if it's rushed/bad I struggled to think of ideas for this chapter.

(Also before anyone asks about Billy's dog, I'll explain what happened to his dog in another chapter, and maybe I'll bring his dog back lol-)

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it!

And sorry if this gets out late-

Word count: 1148 words!

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