Home at last

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Harry awoke to very overprotective friends, asking him if he was okay and the looming figure of his newest teacher, shoving a piece of chocolate in front of him and claiming it would help with the banging headache. 

He was sceptical but the throbbing of his head was getting on his nerves and well, he didn't often get the excuse to have sweets so he crammed the piece into his mouth.

He was still rather disoriented, having woken about a minute ago but he could feel the fog of sleep and pain slowly lifting. Tentatively sitting up and leaning against the door of the carriage, Harry looked around, eyes narrowing as he gazed up at his friends.

"What was that?" he choked out, voice gravely and hoarse. "A dementor Harry, now eat up." A rough voice replied, causing Harry to turn his head to peer at the owner of said voice. 

Turns out Lupin was pretty no nonsense and explained to Harry what a dementor simply in an easy to discern way, despite Hermione's eye rolling at Harry's lack of knowledge (It wasn't his fault his relatives shut away his books in the summer, besides he could only do so much catch up reading.)

Apparently the 'dementor incident' was an isolated one because the rest of the journey continued without a hitch, regardless of his painful headache, it was punctuated with pleasant conversation about this years curriculum and previous teachers they'd had, in darker times yet to come, Harry would look back on it as a fond memory.


It was a great relief to Harry when they got to Hogwarts and even more so when they sat down to eat.  The great hall looked spectacular as usual, candles flickering in the grand ceiling and ghosts flickering through as usual. Dumbledore looked unusually disheartened but after his speech Harry could see why, the dementors were more atrocious than he'd first thought.

When Professor Lupin was introduced Harry and his friends made sure to clap loudly in support of the tired looking man. Defence was going to be great this year, Harry knew it.

He'd eaten scraps all summer again, courtesy of his relatives. The food as usual was perfect, a roast dinner with the option of chicken, beef, pork and a few vegetarian choices.  Harry himself went for a juicy piece of beef along with almost a dozen Yorkshire puddings and by the time dessert appeared, he was stuffed, his world a haze of friendship, comfort and contentedness.

The chatter around the table had been the usual catch up, punctuated with thoughts about the kids their house had gained this year.  Seamus had avidly explained going to watch a football match as Ron quizzed him on the sport, reminding Harry of himself learning about quidditch.

Hermione had chatted animatedly to him about transfiguration and an interesting text she'd read over the summer, ecstatic he was showing in interest in his studies. "Maybe I've finally rubbed off on him," were her exact words.

The warm feeling surrounding Gryffindor table was swiftly drowned when Malfoy and his entourage appeared, jeering at Harry about his fainting spell on the train and various of their other favourite jabs. Draco's insulting of his rather rough looking uniform seemed particularly annoying as he had been so fixated on the animagi transformation that he'd completely forgotten to buy a new uniform, Hermione had already been on his case about it he didn't need Draco, the slimy git, nagging him too.

The disruption from Malfoy was the trios queue to leave so they trotted back to Gryffindor tower amicably, discussing timetables and the next days lessons.


Harry, out of habit, rose with the sun, much to Ron's disapproval. The first day of lessons were no exception, however he was feeling quite a bit more restless than usual, probably the nerves of starting a new year. 

Harry shook the distracting thoughts out of his head and got up to his feet determinedly, he had lain staring at the ceiling for ten minutes after he'd woken and had been bored out of his mind, he may as well do something productive.

So gathering his things for the day and one of the extra books on animagi he'd gotten, he climbed down the tower stairs and made his way out to the grounds.

 His original plan had been to see Hagrid but after casting a quick tempus, he'd seen it was much to early for even Hagrid to be up.

He eventually found himself sat by the Black lake, wrapped in his thick winter coat and shivering slightly at the Scottish winds as they blew by. The grounds were rather beautiful at this time of year he reflected, admiring the suns lowly reflected rays, as they cast a glitter over the inky water and its unfathomable depths. He was usually so wrapped up in a murder plot he'd never really stopped to take in the view, a shame but here's to hoping for a peaceful year.

The minutes flew by as Harry found himself absorbed in the book, tearing through each scrap of information with the hunger of a starving man, mind running overtime to take in the information.

 He was jolted from his trance by a gentle nudge on his arm.


Authors note:

Hi guys, rlly sorry about the wait for this chapter but i do have something rlly good coming in the next one <3

Question of the day

If you had to choose one AU/trope to delete from existence which would you choose?

(i'd probably choose amnesia stuff cus i hate all the angst and sadness they come with :) or unexpected pregnancy because i think its very overdone.)

EDIT: ive just posted the first chapter of my pjo fic if u wanna check it out

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