Oh Em Geeeeeeeeee

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Justins POV:

I left my house with my beautiful rainbow JoJo Bow in my hair, walking gayly to the park to meet my Thrifty Swifty bestie Taytay Swift.

I saw her lucious locks of hair draping over her shoulders as I approached her from behind the bench, facing her with my hands on my hips as I stood, waiting for her to tell me what was so important that she had to interuppt me from my gay stalking- admiring of my ginger bae.

"Oh em geeee!!" She squealed, leaping up to hug me. I pushed her away, questioning her.

"What dee heck you need?" I asked.

"That guy from highschool is in town!! Eddie Sheer or something. The nerd ginger, he makes music now, did you know?"

My eyebrows flew up to my forehead in pure shock. Eddie Sheddie was in our town??? This would be the perfect time to reconcile with him. My face turns pink at the thought of the beautiful ginger man.

Justin Bieber X Ed Sheeran {𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄}Where stories live. Discover now