Chapter 4

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-Martin's POV-

I still couldn't believe that Luka is also a hybrid. Her hybrid form looks incredible.

Today while I was thinking about the new series I would be doing, I received an urgent message from Vikk. It was obviously very urgent, as he started with "Martin plz read this I need your help!". Oh no. I scrolled down, and it said, "Martin! Lachlan is missing! He is captured by a crazy girl, and he is suffering badly! I don't know where he is, so please come help me find Lachlan!"

Wait, how could he know that if Lachlan wasn't here? There isn't /msg in real life, maybe it is because of the strong feeling to each other? That might be possible.
So I replied, "I will help you. It is summer holiday anyway, so I have time to search for Lachlan." I wish he's ok too!
I told my gang (you know who) about this, and asked if anyone could help. Hans said, "Domenique and I can help!" "Me too!" said Luka. "I’ll do whatever I can to help." said Simon. Believe it or not, Simon is good at fighting, especially when he’s raging.
We packed our stuff, and decided to go to Florida to find Vikk.
We bought 5 plane tickets (A/N the money comes from the reward of defeating the terrorists in the prequel), and we would leave UK 2 weeks later. Vikk, we are coming to help you!

-Two Weeks Later-

-Hans’s POV-
We boarded the plane, and Vikk told us that Rob and Jerome would also be at the airport. Then what about Mitch and Preston? Did anything happen to them?
After a 12-hour flight, we finally arrived at Florida. We took back our luggage, and walked towards the exit. I saw Vikk, Rob, and Jerome. They looked really sad and worried. We walked towards them, and Martin said, "Hi Vikk!" Vikk said, "Hi Martin, and who are these people? I know Simon, but what about the others?"
I said, "I am Hans, or you might somehow know me as HalfDeadBeast, the Youtuber." Then, Rob shouted, "You are HalfDeadBeast? Your Super Smash Mobs videos are awesome!" "Thanks man!" I replied. Domenique and Luka introduced themselves, and Jerome led us to his car.
He drove us to Vikk’s house, and we settled down there. "Wow! This is big!" said Simon. "Indeed." answered Jerome.
We took some rest, and Vikk suddenly shouted, "I know where are Mitch, Preston and Lachlan!" Martin was scared, and yelled, "HOW?" "Lachlan said that he borrowed a cellmate’s smartwatch and messaged me. He also said that he is still in Florida." Vikk answered. "Did he tell you which part of Florida?" Rob asked. Vikk checked the message and said, "Good thing there is wireless network in "hell". He said that he is in the middle of nowhere in Florida, and seemed to be underground, so we might not see it." "Middle of nowhere? Really?" I said. "I know what you’re thinking," Jerome said, "There is actually a town called Nowhere, in Florida. Lachlan must be talking about that place."
Well that would be easy. We took our luggage, and were ready to head to the town Nowhere. We are coming! Hold on!

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