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You walk around Bowsers room back and forth, you're worried about your kingdom. Everyone is but you really don't want to sit and watch it get any worse knowing what your sister is doing to them. Soon you see Kamek walk into his room and look at you.

Y/N:"Hey Kamek, what do you need"

K:"I know how much you mean to Bowser"

You blush, you haven't told anyone yet, and Bowser basically stutters every time anyone mentions dating.

K:"I'm going to teach you magic, it will help you all a lot and I may not be able to attend so you're basically the next best choice seeing that you have.."

Kamek looks you up and down for a second before talking again

K:"Well you don't really have anything to bring to the table other than your battle plans"

You think for a second, the only magic you know is illusion magic and even then not much due to your mom only teaching you how to make those lights.

Y/N:"O-Okay then, what should we start with"

Kamek waves his wand and you both are teleported to some sort of training ground. Kamek waves his want again and soon another pops into existence. You look at the new wand for a solid minute before realizing's your mother's old wand.

Y/N:"How do you have that?! That was my mother's!"

Kamek gives a slight smile before handing it to you.

K:"Your mother Y/N was one of the best mages across the lands. Before she.."

You start to tear up remembering what happened to your mother.


You and the rest of your family were in the fields having a picnic. Your mother was very talented in magic and she was happily married to your father, who was the current king of Mushroom Kingdom. Peach and yourself we're running around in the field playing tag while your parents we're making lunch. Your father wanted you guys to have a comfy lifestyle without being spoiled. Peach ran off so you we're left alone in your thoughts and soon you came back to eat. You we're on your way back but you saw your mother collapse onto the ground. Your father and sister went back to the castle for a minute to grab some stuff she forgot so you ran to her aid. She looked up at you and ushered you towards her

"Y/N I'm so so sorry that I'm having to put this on you but I don't have enough time." She grabs your hand and you feel a slight pain but she continues to talk. "You know how Mommy is able to do magic? Mommy used a spell to be able to have two wonderful children, but it soon caught up to her. My wonderful, wonderful son Y/N Toadstool, I need you to understand that I regret none of my decisions having you two and I love you with all of my heart." You can hear your father and sister running to help, but they weren't close enough. "I'm giving you my magic because I know deep down that you will use it for good and I hope to see you become a great person and mage from the stars." Your father and sister now arrive both crying as they watch her become pale and soon her voice becomes softer and softer. "Just know I love you all and that no matter what I will always be proud of you guys." Your mother soon goes limp in your father's arms. Soon after he passed a ban for using magic in the mushroom kingdom as it reminded him too much of his late wife so you could never fulful her wish...

________END OF FLASHBACK________

You wipe your tears and look back up at Kamek.

Y/N: "Let's just, get on with the training..."

K: "Y-Yeah.."

Kamek starts to teach you simple teleportation and fire spells to help you in any situation. One thing that he told you about fire was that it wasn't just for distruction, it could be used to heal. And heal it did as you would soon learn... (Not now later :) ) He also taught you some other spells such as mind control and illusion to help you get out of certain situations that you couldn't get out of by getting away. Soon you knew just as much as he did in about 6 hours or so.

K: "Good job Y/N, you'll be a good asset for Bowser and maybe just maybe you'll be able to take down your sister"

Y/N: "What do you mean Maybe?"

Kamek sighs before speaking, wishing that he wouldn't

K: "Look, Peach is gathering toads to help her fight, she was also able to get aid from the flower kingdom. It'll only be a matter of time before she gets too powerful"

Y/N: "Don't worry, we have multiple kingdoms helping us...except"

Y/N thinks for a second before speaking, in a very determined tone.

Y/N: " I think I know a special star that can help us out.."

Y/N rushes into the castle, running to the throne room where his not confirmed but probably is boyfriend sits.

B: "Hey Y/N how was training? Was it eventful?"

Y/N: "Uh yeah yeah it was helpful, just wondering do you think we could go visit rosalina and get help from her too?"

Bowser is flustered by the sudden question and takes a moment to respond.

B: "R-Rosalina? I- I'm not too sure, I mean I haven't even talked to her after I went to space and stole all that star power.."

Y/N: "Oh come one, you won't know until you try, plus she's great at magic and she's a powerful ally!"

B: " Look you make great points but what if peach has already gotten to her??"

Y/N: "Let me worry about that, just let me do the talking and it will go smooth~"

Y/N plants a small kiss on his nose and starts to walk towards his room.

Y/N: "I'll go start packing and you should to. Also grab Jr. If he asks just tell him we are going on a field trip to the stars."

Bowser doesn't have time to respond before you get into your room, packing your clothes, violin, and other things you may need for your trip. You hope that you won't be too late.

My King~ A Bowser x Male Reader FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now