chapter 1

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"I am home! Augh who am I kidding no one is here anyway" these were the first words that Minho says as he opens the door to his apartment. As a senior partner for one of the biggest law firms, he had quite a big house for only one person to live in. though that wouldn't be totally correct. "Soonie, Doogie, Dori come here papa's home" Minho's voice is carried through the strangely silent house. As he removes his formal shoes and wears his house shoes a grey furred cat comes and rubs against his calf purring. "Ay it's only the maknae that cares for this servant." Minho says as he picks up Dori and cuddles it against his chest. "Now tell me where are your hyungs? Are they still sleeping?" he questions the cat that is now rubbing his head against Minho's neck and contently purring. 

He walks across the living room and walks into a room that was solely made for his cats. More than half of the room was occupied by a humongous cat castle that could fit over 10 cats but is only used by three of his. The rest of the space was littered with their toys and yarn balls of almost every color. I truly indulge these brats was the thought Minho has when he enters the room, and he wouldn't change it at all. 

The two orange furred cats laze on top of each other in one of the cat holes. Minho nears them quietly trying his best not to disturb the two content cats, but all is waste when Dori jumps out of hands and onto the two cats, disturbing the once peaceful environment. All three of them start to run around inside the castle in attempt to catch each other. Minho sighs, there goes his plan of having a nice cuddle session which he needed in order to forget about today's day.

He walks out of the cat's room and goes to his which is opposite to the other room. As a person who usually keeps to himself, his room reflected him. The style was a minimalistic design with a single queen size bed, a dressing table and a walk-in closet.

Though many people might not have guessed this about Minho, but he is person who cares for how he presents himself at needed occasions. 

Half of his closet consist of tailored suits and formal dressing while the other half consisted of hoodies and sweaters. As a person who is sensitive to cold, Minho mostly preferred to where shirts that were full- sleeved. 

For Minho his most prized possessions in the closet would be his watch collection

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For Minho his most prized possessions in the closet would be his watch collection. His habit of collecting started when he was given his grandfather's antic watch during his 18th birthday, leading him to six years later having more than 50 watches of which 10 were personally customized for him.

 His habit of collecting started when he was given his grandfather's antic watch during his 18th birthday, leading him to six years later having more than 50 watches of which 10 were personally customized for him

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After a long soothing shower, Minho wears just a pair of joggers as he walks into his kitchen. For Minho cooking was a way for him to destress. If not for being a lawyer, many of his friends (which were only not as many as he makes them to be) would push him to be a chef. He brings out the ingredients to make his comfort food, twisted chicken ramen. Once done, he heads over to the couch and turns on the tv. As he watches a random show on Nat Geo. His three cats trot over and settle beside him. Just has Minho finished his ramen, his phone rings.

*Daddy bang calling*

bold - Bang Chan

italics- Minho

yo where are you we are still waiting for you

Waiting? Waiting for what? I am home and my cats have finally warmed up to me so going to cuddle with them. Did I forget something? Wait what's today's date?

Minho checks the date and his eyes widen.

Shit its Hyunjin's birthday tomorrow!

Yaaah~ Minho-ya how could you forget? We had decided to meet at the café while Felix distracts him and then surprise him at 12 remember? I even reminded you before you left the office and you said that you had to pick up the gift.

Ya ya ya. Sorry sorry. I was really out of it cause of today's case will be there in like 20 mins just make an excuse for me or else Felix will kill me.

Minho cuts the call as he scurries around the house. First to his room to change into blue jeans and a black shirt, with his brown leather jacket in hand, then to the living room where he spots the wrapped gift that he had gotten for Hyunjin, and finally for his helmet, which he grabs and races out of the house. Totally forgetting about the house keys that lay above the shoe rack.

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