chapter 2

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The party was being held at the café which was owned by Felix and Hyunjin. The friend group of four had come together at the first year of college, where they had met. Felix and Bangchan were already friends, due to them coming from Australia and being Korean. They had met Minho and Hyunjin who were coincidentally childhood friends and were their roommates. They usually spent most of their time together as both Minho and Bangchan were in the law program together, but Hyunjin was in the arts while Felix had taken culinary.

When the four had finally graduated Minho and Bangchan had already been accepted in a small law firm, which later on they took over and made it one of best firms in the country. Hyunjin had inherited his grandmother's small café which he and Felix took over and made it into a small aesthetic book cafés that has become a hot spot in the city.

Minho hurried inside the café to find Chan filling air in balloons with all his might. He pauses at the entrance taking in the sight of his firm partner blowing into the balloon as his face turns red whilst still wearing his blue shirt. Minho snickers as he gets closer to him. He takes out his phone and snaps a photo right when Bang Chan turns towards him, making it the perfect blackmail worthy photo.

"Ahh you are finally here. I thought that I would have to blow all these balloons by myself come help." Bang Chan sighed in relief quick to knot the balloon and head closer to Minho. "Where are they?" Minho question chan. Looking around the empty café, searching for the other two in their friend group. "Felix is distracting" him until we get the place ready." Minho rolled up the sleeves of his shirt "well then let's get started."

After half an hour the aesthetic of the small café had done a 180. The eye pleasing interior that made customers feel welcome were covered with black and white party banners and the floor was filled with balloons of the same theme. "Well then let me call Lixie and tell him to bring Jinnie the place looks ready" Bangchan says as he opens his phone. The phone rings for a second "we are ready" and the call cuts.

3rd P.O.V

Hyunjin and Felix walk back to the café with their hands filled with ingredients for the next day. As they make small conversation on a random topic Hyunjin brings out the keys to the café lock and goes to open it, but notices that the door was already unlocked. Becoming alert, he stops and shushes the excited Felix "I think there is a thief inside Lixie! The door is open." Felix stills and his eyes widen, in fear of their plan being foiled "No way!" says Felix with a nervous laugh and darts his eyes around. Hyunjin picks up the first thing he can from the grocery bag "wait you stay out here and I will go in if I scream call the police all right" says Hyunjin. Before going in he makes sure Felix has the police on speed dial. He slowly opens the door slowly making it creek as he walked further in the lights suddenly turned on and Minho blows the party horn loudly and screams surprise 

beside him stood Bangchan with the cake Felix had made before and had a huge smile on his faces. But all of this was short lived. Hyunjin screams out of fright, and out of instinct presses the can of whipped cream spraying it all over Minho. Felix hearing the scream rushes inside only to find a Minho who was covered in whip cream a cowering Hyunjin who finally saw what he did and a Bangchan who trying his best to hold back his laughter.


helllo lovelies!

I am really sorry for not being able to update for so long there were a lot of family problems that were going on plus my college started and I had to do shift and alll of that. so I am really really sorry for not being able to update. I have good news and bad news. so the bad news is that updates wont be regular so sowy owo. and the good news is that I have a lot of free time so the updates that will happen will not have such a big gap. also I am going to change up the pairings a bit but our main couple for this story is still going to be Minsung (btw the recent moments that we are getting and Han Jisung with wavy long hair is doing things to me) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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