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It was an age of darkness.

The age of HOUSE GOLGOR, an evil family under whose royal rule all peoples lived in terror.

The Golgors worshipped at the temple of their death-goddess, SAMORTA.

In her name, they turned cities into slaughterhouses...and made torture-dungeons their cathedrals.

Samorta was their goddess of pain, death and most of all, womanly supremacy.

As Golgorian dominion expanded to all regions of the known world, they believed it their destiny to convert all women-folk under this dominion to Samorta's teachings...

Namely, the domination of men, and practice of The Holy Execution upon countless numbers of them, in sacrifice to Samorta.

For as the high priestesses said: "From a woman's body, blood shall flow. To a woman's body, blood shall go...and to Samorta, shall blood be paid in tribute!"

Ever since this great conquest by House Golgor, reaching from the plains to the mountains to the waste-lands, the daily sacrificial work of those female death-dealers called EXECUTRIXES was no longer limited to recruits from among the peasantry.

Now, their ranks included all high-born ladies of the land: duchesses, marquesses, countesses, baronesses...

Religious fervor caught fire with these formerly reserved ladies of gentry, and upon donning their new royal-issue Executrix masks, they embraced the rituals of Samorta with relish.

They eagerly burned down the old churches, to pledge their mortal lives to House Golgor...and their very souls to Samorta the death-goddess.

The Holy Execution went from a matter of mere duty in town squares and temple altars, to stately a royal reverie among the empire's new young matriarchs...a recreational affair, to celebrate Samorta's blessings...or for just a bit of fun, whenever the mood struck them.

And it was in the spirit of such celebration that one dark night, a special private audience was convening at the royal grounds of Castle Golgor...

Princess Tornella's Torture PartyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora