The Beginning

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Since I was a young child, I've been an ardent wrestling fan. The excitement I felt whenever a show came on television is deeply ingrained in my memories. I would tell myself that one day, when I grew up, I would become a wrestler. And now, that dream is becoming a reality. This is just the beginning of my life's story—a story of resilience in the face of adversity. Despite enduring numerous setbacks, such as being bullied during high school and spiraling into depression, I've managed to stay standing. I vividly recall the emptiness I felt, as if I had lost the ability to experience any emotions, often struggling to find the will to get out of bed. It was during those dark times that I realized the only person who could truly help me was myself. So, I sought help and made a firm commitment to nurture my mind and make progress. And now, looking back, I'm immensely proud of how far I've come.

I toiled relentlessly on the independent wrestling circuit, but it brought me joy because I was doing what I loved. Then, one day, out of the blue, I received an invitation to join WWE. Overwhelmed with happiness, tears of joy streamed down my face. I was going to be part of the company I had admired since I was a child—my dream was about to come true.

Throughout my journey, I've learned valuable lessons from many people, but one particular lesson from my mother has remained etched in my heart: always strive to do what is right. Inspired by countless individuals, I aspire to be a role model, a hero. Ever since I embarked on my journey into adulthood, I've been dedicated to this idea of being a hero and inspiring others, instilling in them a sense of unwavering hope. To achieve this, I understand that I must train harder than ever before, aiming to make the best possible impression. I won't deny that I'm scared about stepping into the WWE, but as others have advised me, I must always try my best and give my all for the sake of others.

To my surprise, my debut match is scheduled for Raw, and I've been informed that my opponent will be Alberto Del Rio. In the backstage area, I acquaint myself with my new colleagues, hoping to establish good relationships with everyone. While unpacking my belongings in the locker room, I notice a few curious gazes directed my way, but I pay little attention to them. Suddenly, a voice from behind startles me.

It's Dolph Ziggler, radiating confidence as always. "So... you're the new guy, huh?" he remarks.

Startled, I respond, "Oh my god! You scared me for a moment."

"Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. Let me help you acclimate to this place," he offers, a broad smile adorning his face.

"Yes, I would appreciate that. It's truly an honor to be here, especially alongside someone as talented as you," I reply with enthusiasm.

"Allow me to offer you some advice. Be cautious with Del Rio; he's known for playing dirty. However, based on what I've heard about you, I believe you have what it takes to handle him," he shares, fueling my inspiration and fortitude as I prepare to face a massive audience for the first time.

"Thank you, you truly inspire me. I'd love to chat more, but I must go," I express, my heart pounding with nerves and excitement as I prepare for my WWE debut.

(Ángel's theme begins playing)

I was totally expecting a quiet crowd due that I'm new around here, but to my surprise, I could hear a crowd that was cheering for me, seeing that kind of public gave me even more expectations about my future in WWE. As I entered in the ring I could hear the ring of the bell.


It was time. As I was expecting Alberto was with a cocky attitude. But that's his great weakness, he is so cocky that he thinks that can do everything. 

I started with quick attacks and focused to dodge every punch from Alberto, when we were fighting I threw him into the corner, but in the way of doing that, he collided with the referee, he didn't think two times about it and decided to attack me more aggressively and then he proceeded to use a chair. I was getting attacked so hard by him, then when the referee started to get up Alberto threw the chair out of the ring and applied to me the cross armbar. At a certain point I was going to give up, but it's my first match. I will not lose my first match so easily, so I moved from left to right and then lifting him up to get free. When I got free, he went after me but I reacted so fast enough to perform a Superkick.

I went to the top rope and executed a Moonsault 




The match was over and I was the winnerI was so happy to hear the announcer saying that I was the winner. My first match in WWE and I was totally able to win, this is just the beginning of my life in WWE. I'm feeling very hopeful about my career.

 I went to backstage just to find Ziggler who was cheering for me." I totally knew that you were going to win the match!" He said while he was giving me applauses 

 "Thanks, I guess" I responded a little bit nervous 

 "I'm pretty sure that you will have a great future here, let's just take a walk around here" We took a walk and a lot of thoughts came to my mind. I must admit that I'm very happy to be here.

"You know? I recently won the MIB, I'm planning to cash it for the World Heavyweight Championship" He told me

"In that case I hope you to be successful at your attempt to get the title, I hope to be a great friend of yours" I said to him

"You will be" He said as we continued walking

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