Meeting my hero

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As I stood nervously backstage, my heart pounded in my chest. This was a big moment for me, my first major event since stepping into the wrestling world. The atmosphere was electrifying, filled with the buzz of anticipation. And then, amidst the crowd, I spotted a familiar figure making his way towards me. It was Rey Mysterio, the legendary luchador, he has been my idol since I started watching wrestling.

My admiration for Rey ran deep. He had been my inspiration throughout my childhood, a symbol of perseverance and greatness in the ring. And now, fate seemed to have brought us together at this very moment. Determined to seize the opportunity, I mustered up my courage and approached Rey.

"Excuse me, Mr. Mysterio," I said, my voice slightly trembling. "I'm a huge fan, and it's an honor to meet you. My name is Ángel, and I've just started my journey as a wrestler."

Rey turned to face me, a warm smile gracing his face. "Nice to meet you, Ángel. I heard that you are the new guy, in fact, I got good references about you. Tell me, what brings you here today?"

I explained my aspirations, my dreams of becoming a respected and skilled wrestler. I shared my passion for the sport and the dedication I had poured into honing my craft. Rey listened intently, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.

"You remind me of myself when I was starting out," Rey said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I see the fire in your eyes and the determination in your voice. It's an interesting path you're taking, and I'd be honored to guide you along the way."

My heart swelled with gratitude. The fact that Rey Mysterio, my childhood idol, was willing to guide me on my career in WWE was more than I could have ever hoped for. I nodded eagerly, unable to contain my excitement.

"I would be honored, Rey. Your guidance and mentorship mean the world to me," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity.

Rey smiled warmly, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Great! Let's start by showing the world what you're capable of. I have an idea that might give you a golden opportunity and I'm pretty sure that Kofi will be glad to help. Are you ready?"

I nodded, ready to embrace any challenge Rey had in store for me. Together, we headed to the locker room, where Rey laid out his plan. He explained that Kofi Kingston, the current United States Champion was holding an open challenge that night, and he believed I had what it took to step up and seize that opportunity.

"It won't be easy," Rey warned, his voice laced with determination. "But with my guidance and your natural talent, we can make this happen. Believe in yourself, Ángel."

I got inspired by the words of Rey, his confidence fueling my own. With Rey by my side, I felt invincible. We began formulating a strategy, analyzing Kofi's strengths and weaknesses. Rey shared his insights and taught me valuable techniques, preparing me for the biggest match of my career.

As the moment approached, the energy in the arena intensified. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation, unaware of the surprise that awaited them. Rey and I made our way to the ring, a wave of nerves and excitement coursed through my body. The cheers and chants of the fans enveloped me, heightening my focus.

Kofi stood in the center of the ring, microphone in hand, issuing his open challenge to anyone brave enough to accept. With a nod from Rey, I stepped forward, my heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and determination.

"I accept your challenge!" I declared, my voice resonating throughout the arena.

The crowd roared with excitement, their chants and cheers creating an electric backdrop. As the referee signaled for the match to begin, I locked eyes with the champion, my hunger to succeed burning fiercely within me. I circled him cautiously, studying his every move, searching for an opening. With every step, the adrenaline surged, heightening my senses.

Kofi showcased his experience with calculated strikes and precision. But I refused to be intimidated. I countered his attacks with lightning-fast reflexes, parrying his blows and retaliating with my own. The crowd erupted with each exchange, their excitement fueling my determination.As the match progressed, I executed the techniques and maneuvers Rey had taught me. Every leap, every strike, every counter was met with precision and determination. I refused to back down, fighting with every ounce of energy I possessed. 

Of course there was moments were Kofi was taking the lead in the match, the impact of his blows resonated with a heightened intensity, not solely due to their physical force but because each hit seemed to reverberate with the weight of my own inner turmoil.

Sensing an opportunity, he summoned his signature move, the "Trouble in Paradise." The air crackled with anticipation as he soared through the air, his body a graceful blur. Time seemed to slow as he unleashed a perfectly executed kick on me, unleashing a whirlwind of force that struck its target with pinpoint accuracy.

The referee's hand hit the canvas, and the crowd held its breath as the count began.


The audience erupted in a chorus of anticipation, their excitement palpable as the possibility of victory hung in the balance.


Trying to get strength, a fierce determination coursed through my veins, propelling me to break free from the pinfall. With a burst of energy, I sprang to my feet, defying the odds that had once held me captive. The crowd roared in disbelief, sensing the tides of the match shifting in my favor.

As I rose, Kofi's eyes locked onto mine, a determined fire burning within them. In a swift, fluid motion, he prepared to unleash another devastating "Trouble in Paradise," seeking to reclaim control of the match. However, I managed to reverse his attack, expertly dodging his airborne assault. In an unexpected twist, I seized the opportunity, expertly maneuvering to throw him forcefully to the canvas.

I wasted no time in capitalizing on my newfound advantage. Sensing the perfect moment, I swiftly dashed towards the nearest corner. Leaping into the air, I executed a gravity-defying Front Flip DDT, leaving Kofi reeling from the impact.

The arena shook as the referee's hand struck the mat.




The bell rang, signifying my victory. I had done it. Against all odds, I had defeated the United States Champion. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, a sea of admiration and respect washing over me.

Rey entered the ring, a wide grin on his face. He raised my arm in triumph, the symbol of a new champion emerging. Together, we basked in the euphoria of the moment, the bond between mentor and disciple stronger than ever.

"Congratulations, Ángel. You've earned this," Rey said, his voice filled with pride. "This is just the beginning. I have no doubt that you will go on to achieve even greater things."

Tears of joy welled up in. I cannot wait for what is destiny preparing for me.

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