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I am not one of them..... They say

 They say

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I am not a protector... they say

I'm only a monster... they say

A monster made of scales and wings

A monster of the night... they say

"A beast!"

                             ".. A monster"

"A stone cold killer"

I am no killer

I am....

The Protector!

The Protector!

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My name is Darkness but I am called many things, Monster, Beast, Killer, Killer of predacons, Demon, and many more names, but those who truly know me call me Night or Shade. I live in the lands between the predacon territory and Cybertronian cities. I lived alone due to my... past... 'Grrr' Just thinking about it makes me pissed. But anyways I have one friend and his name is Ratchet, hes a medic in training, the medic would come and see me everyday and tell me what happened that day, but after months he... stopped showing up.

I would still stay outside and wait but he never showed. After a while I gave up and just went inside my den I stayed there as it was connected to an energon mine so I had what I needed to survive. I never left I only fought if someone neared my cave, which was a lot of predacons and cybertronians.

The ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now