The rules of the world

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This is a basically a explanation on how this world works like if Pokémon can use moves or if there is any humans here so without further ado let's get into this

How Pokémon work:

Now Pokémon that usually stand up in the game and anime will still stand up but Pokémon that walk on all four legs will have the option to use the back paws to stand but they will be unbalanced like a dog or cat standing up on their hind legs.

Pokémon can use moves but there are laws against using fighting moves on innocent Pokémon think of it like a human fighting or using a gun against someone else. But moves that heal or just change the environment like sunny day can be used if in your property or if necessary in a emergency situation.

Humans never existed in this world Pokémon just evolved without them but still have technology of their own like computers and basic needs but nothing like cars or planes.

They are still stuff like rescuers, explorers, and researches these are pretty simple to understand since the job is in the name. Every one of these jobs will have different ranks depending on how long the Pokémon has been there and if their qualified but the highest rank is guild master for rescuers, head researcher for researchers, and (Indiana jones for explorers) head explorer for the explorers.

Now as you can imagine there are regular jobs for Pokémon like mailman, librarian, engineer, and really anything else Im not gonna list every job in this world.

Evolution stones are pretty rare in this world but not impossible to find just unlikely and can be sold for a very good price.

Now I think that's it if you have any questions I will answer them and add onto this but until the first chapter see ya

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