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Chuuya groaned, stirring awake. He squinted, his eyes adjusting to the moonlight in the room. He sat up, looking around. There was a bowl of curry and rice on the chair, and a small book. He came here when I was sleeping? He held the bowl on his lap and frowned. It was cold, but still good when he took a bite. What's this book?

He picked it up, reading the cover. "The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide. Oh, I like this one. Thanks, Dazai. Where even is that waste of bandages, anyways? It's night." He asked nobody. Memories  of earlier that afternoon started to catch up with Chuuya, making him choke on his rice. That's right.... Dazai kissed me and I got mad at him, since I'm scared of him. Wait. Am I scared of him? Only when he drinks my blood. Chuuya slapped his right hand to his neck. "He didn't drink my blood while I was asleep, right?!" He shouted, running his fingers over his neck and looking for recent wounds. There were none. Chuuya let out a small sigh of relief, not wanting the vampire anywhere near his neck. 

Chuuya flipped through the book, reading through the words and taking bites of his food with an apathetic expression. He wanted Dazai out of his mind, a distraction. The book was sweet, and made Chuuya smile every time he reread it. When he finished the book for the third time, he realized that he'd finished his meal. He put the book down and stood up. He peeked out the door and his eyes met nothing but an empty hallway.  He walked around, holding the bowl tightly and searching for some sort of kitchen. 

Chuuya finally found a small kitchen and washed the bowl in the sink. "There... Now, where am I?" He asked himself. Dazai appeared behind him, whispering in his ear, "Are you lost, Chibi-chan?" Chuuya whipped his head around, glaring at Dazai with fear in his eyes. "You scared me, asshole!" Dazai laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. "You're easily frightened! But you are lost, no?" "Well, maybe, but that's none of your business!" "What my human does is very much my business." "You say that as if I'm your pet." Chuuya deadpanned. "You're not?" Dazai playfully asked. Chuuya grabbed Dazai's collar, growling. "You bandage wasting son of a-!" Dazai cut him off by putting his finger to Chuuya's lips. "You're awfully close, Chibi-chan.." He said with a slightly teasing tone.


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