Chapter three

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The house was three stories high, had dirty curtains covering the windows, a wooden board fence, and plenty of rooms. "We had to close down this part of town, because this house is too dangerous for anyone to walk into" said Harold, but Princess Kaitlyn wasn't afraid.

Princess Kaitlyn stepped out the car and onto the sidewalk in front of the pig's house. "Let's go" said Princess Kaitlyn as she took a few steps forward. "Hang on!" Said Harold as he reached into his car to grab something, maybe a weapon to defend himself. When he peeked his head out the car, his face was suddenly filled with fear.

"What's wrong? Why do you look scared?" Asked Princess Kaitlyn, but Harold just stared at whatever it was. Suddenly, he yelled, "Kaitlyn, look out!!". But, it was too late. Before she knew it, everything went black.

Her head was pounding, and the pain was unbearable. When she awoke, she felt the soft and springy feeling of a mattress. Princess Kaitlyn sat up, but her head hit the top part of the bunk bed she was layed in. "Ouch" exclaimed Princess Kaitlyn as she rubbed the top of her head.

"Kaitlyn? Are you alright?" Asked Harold's voice from the top bunk, then he peeked his head out from the top. Harold had also been hit by whoever had captured them, you could tell by the bit of blood trickling down his forehead. "What happened?" Asked Princess Kaitlyn, but Harold had no answers except that he had been hit by a blunt object.

Princess Kaitlyn noticed a clock hanging on the wall next to the door of the room. When she read the time, it was 10:00 pm, but they had got there at 7:00pm. "We've been here for three hours!?" Said Princess Kaitlyn in disbelief and frustration, but she wasn't going to waste anymore time. She got up from the bottom bunk, but Harold couldn't bring himself to get down.

Harold has always been afraid of heights, and bunk beds were no exception. "It's okay, I've got you" said Princess Kaitlyn in a comforting voice as she held her arms out to him. Harold had always knew that he could trust her, so he instantly jumped into her arms and landed safely.

Princess Kaitlyn carefully opened the door a little so she could see the hallway, but it was empty. She held Harold's hand as she whispered, "follow my lead, but be quiet", then they walked out the door.

The floors creaked with every step, but not enough to awaken the creature in the living room. They both peeked out to the living room, only to see a teenage pig girl sitting in the recliner chair. Princess Kaitlyn noticed the pig girl's chest rising and falling with every deep breath it took, so it must've been sleeping.

Princess Kaitlyn was not about to find out what happens when you awaken the pig, so she told Harold to be very quiet when walking downstairs. She could see the front door right at the end of the stairs, but they had to be extremely quiet. They both took one step, then another.

Suddenly- CRACK! The ground came falling apart underneath Harold! The stair board had broken, probably because no one had hammered in the nails in a long time. There was no time to think, because the pig was already awake. The pig looked up at the two from the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes were pitch black, except for a glowing red dot in her left eye.

Princess Kaitlyn quickly scrambled through her bag to find anything that could help them, then she pulled out a steel water bottle. Princess Kaitlyn didn't waste any time and chucked the bottle at the pig. The bottle did hit her, but it wasn't enough to knock her out. The only damage it did was a little bit of bleeding from the pig's head, and a one way ticket to get their brains bashed out.

The pig rushed towards them, clearly taking the hit from the bottle very seriously. Princess Kaitlyn prepared herself for the worst, but she suddenly heard a gunshot. When she opened her eyes, the pig went falling down the stairs and fell to the floor. "Come on! I would take the shot for nothing!" Said Harold as he grabbed Princess Kaitlyn's wrist and ran towards the door.

As soon as they were out, they slammed the door shut. The moment gave them a few minutes to breathe in the sweet victory, but they knew this was far from over. Princess Kaitlyn hugged Harold tightly, thanking him for taking the shot.

Suddenly, a bright light beamed on them. "Put your hands I the air where I can see them!" Yelled a firm voice, and Princess Kaitlyn quickly raised her arms. "Ah, the Princess. Should've known you'd mess with our investigation" said an officer, but Princess Kaitlyn protested. "No, no! I would never I-" said Princess Kaitlyn until she was interrupted by a strict, "Shut it, Princess! Hands behind your back!".

Princess Kaitlyn lowered her arms and put them behind her back. "Great job, Harold. You caught her before she could mess up the investigation" said an officer as they handcuffed Princess Kaitlyn. "Bring her to the station, Harold. We'll be waiting" said the officer.

Then, Harold took Princess Kaitlyn into his patrol car and began driving to the station.

Piggy! [My version]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin