Out gunned out manned

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  Me, John, Lafayette, and Herc were watching  at the New York Harbor for Ships around 32,000 troops of men  from Britain were coming for The Revolution . One of the reasons why I Immigrated to American to see freedom and get away from Hell I called Home. I wanted to meet new people as well. Listen my father left me when I was ten, My Brother drown during the Hurricane, My Mother and I got sick I got better she passed on, and my Cousin committed suicide. I will   Sacrifice myself for this country. As we were told to follow by a man in a blue uniform. We   Arrived at a camp. Each of the camp was in its own ways like a compass. Each camp was in the North, South ,West ,East.  We were North which was actually close to general Washington's Tent.  They still haven't noticed I stole the British cannons.

As we got into our tent we saw four beds waiting for us. We all chose our beds and put our stuff on our beds which wasn't a lot. Then we were told to come out because General wanted us. All of the men waiting for Washington. John was looking at me with a smile. I smiled at him back and blush. When I look at him I can't hear anything. Its kind of Peaceful. I guess I was doing that for too long because when I was looking at John. Washington saw. " HEY!" I jump from getting back to reality. " Eyes up here son" Washington said with a hard S as well  pointing to his eyes . " Yes Sir" I reply fast. What the hell I've never done that. I need to get my shit together.

Later I was outside training with Lafayette. He was training me to use a sword. He Ask me some questions. " Alexander, So I never got your story. I know you speak French. Are you French?" Lafayette asked. " A little , I'm from a Caribbean island called Nevis I was taught French By my mother. She was French. My father wasn't French if that answers your question. I was really poor growing up. where I come from I thought I would never live past Twenty. So I worked really hard. My story got told and people helped me start a new life outside of Nevis. If I didn't do that I wouldn't be here." Alexander Said when a Sad smile on his face. " Wow Mon Ami, That's was different than what I expected." Lafayette said. " Oh there's worst." I said without thinking. " what!  Mon Ami please tell me." Lafayette said getting close to me. " I rather not I don't like sharing that part of my Childhood." I replied with a nervous laugh. " Tell me when you're ready." Lafayette said packing up his sword. " Hey is practice over." I said confused. " I have to learn how to use a gun with Hercules I see you in the Tent. "  Au revoir Alexander." Lafayette Said waving at me. I wave back.

When I got to the Tent I saw Laurens reading. " Oh Alexander You're back Early." Laurens said putting his book down. " Lafayette Had gun practice with Mulligans." I said Putting my sword down. " Oh I got done with my Practice with Mulligans not to long ago." Laurens said. " Laurens could I ask you something." I said. " yes what." Laurens said. " The day we met did you and still do wanted to kiss me." I said." I can't believe I'm saying this yes. I did and I didn't do anything because I have a wife you know that and we could lose our reputation Alexander if we did that." Laurens said signing looking like that it wasn't fair. " I know, I know. But if you want to we could try it no one's here we're safe." I said. Okay but don't tell Lafayette, Mulligans, Or anyone." Laurens said with a serious tone. " You know I wouldn't do that I'm a writer Not a Backstabber." I said getting close to Laurens. " okay." Laurens said. When I got closer to Laurens face the redder my face got. When I finally kissed him. I realized that my whole world was grey until He walked into it and It got colors. We kissed for a long time It felt wrong for doing it, But a good wrong. I could tell he felt the same to. As we were about to get really into it. We heard footsteps so we broke it up and tried to look like we were acting really fucking weird. One of Washington's men showed up." Hamilton Washington Needs you." The man said. " Thank you." I said to the man. 

I showed up at Washington's tent. I saw Aaron Burr talking to him. " You needed me sir?" I asked. " Yes you're Hamilton right?" Washington said." Yes sir." I replied. " Have you met Burr?" " Yes sir we keep meeting." Me and Burr said at the same time. " Burr can you leave please." Washington said. Burr gave me a glare. " Hamilton I know you stole Cannons from the British troops." Washington said. " Sir I can explain." " No, no I'm talking. I'm looking at your reputation It Precedes you. And our odds are beyond scary." Washington said. " Hamilton how did not get on anyone's staff." " Sir!" I said. " Anyways about the British cannons Nathanael Greene and Henry Knox wanted to hire you." Washington said. I didn't come to America just Fucking write.  " Oh I don't think so." I said crossing my arms. " why are you getting upset?" Washington asked. " I'm not." I said back with a serious tone. " It's okay if you want to fight you have a hunger. I was just like you when I was younger Head full of fantasies of dying like a martyr." Washington said " yes." I said with a smile. " Dying is easy young man Living is harder." Washington said with a serious tone." Why are you telling." I said. " Get it together son I working in the third of congress. We are a powder keg about to explode

I need someone like you to lighten the load." Washington said . I took a moment to think about that. Then again I didn't come to America to write I wanted Freedom. " I am not throwing my shot." I said ." Son we're Out gunned, Out manned." Washington said. But then I talked to about it. I didn't get I want but I told him About a new Nation and my plans. And he agree then he asked me to be his Right hand man. Sure I have to write not fight. But I get to build a new Nation and let my Ideas grow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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