Chapter 1: The First Chapter

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Aether collapsed onto a chair. "Venti, I don't know how you have so much energy." The cheeky performer booped Aether on the nose and sat down next to him.

"It's a talent, my dear Traveler." Aether sighed at the cheeky comment.


"E-he, are you doubting me?" Venti got up again and bounced over to the door. "We still gotta plan the celebration party, so come on! If you don't come soon then Heizou's gonna have no first-concert party!" He walked into the doorframe, shook his head a little and then walked out. Aether looked up to the high roof before getting up and leaving.

Aether was an idol, a performer, a singer and a dancer. He was one of the five members of a group commonly known as 4NEMO, although a few months ago they'd found a new member and become 5WIRL. Aether was the lead singer, known to the media under the moniker "the Traveler." The "Windborne Bard" - Venti- was one of his teammates, and "Analytical Harmony" Heizou was their newest member. The group had just finished performing live, making it Heizou's first concert. The other two members of the team were "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao, and Kaedehara Kazuha- whose long nickname had been jokingly administered by Venti until it got shortened to "Scarlet Leaves" and stuck. The full name was "Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves", but they narrowed it down. These days only interviewers and their music videos used the full names- most fans referred to them by "Traveler," "Bard," "Yaksha," "Harmony," and "Scarlet." And, of course, their real names were secret. Couldn't have their identities getting out, especially after Aether's embarrassing highschool years.

Outside, the other members of the group were waiting in a backstage area room. As usual after a performance, Kazuha and Xiao looked beat, while Venti still had a whole day's worth of energy bouncing around. Heizou was keeping up well.

"Hi. Are we planning Heizou's concert party?" Aether walked up to the group, giving Heizou a high-five when he reached them. "Good job there, by the way. You're better than I thought you were." Kazuha nodded.

"You're very good at synchronisation under the spotlight. It's not as easy as you made it look. And yes, Traveler, we are planning the concert dinner." They started walking out towards the back exit.

"It's kinda a shame that your first concert couldn't be in Inazuma... but since we're in Mondstat, i have an idea." Aether pulled a map out of one of Kazuha's many hidden pockets and unfolded it. "There's this great Inazuman restaurant over here, small-time and underrated but it is good. And the owner will give you a cup of sake if you want it. Why don't we go there?" Xiao pulled up the restaurant on his phone.

"Doesn't sound bad. As long as the food isn't absolute shit."

"You think I'd recommend it if the food was shit?"


"Damn, Xiao..." the group shared a laugh- one of many since they'd first got together. Xiao's sarcastic, blunt attitude contrasted well with just about anyone.

The five of them walked out the back exit still in their stage costumes. Out on the back road was a silver Toyota Corolla. The window was rolled down, and in the driver's seat was a young lady with short golden locks, a flower tucked in her hair, and aviator sunglasses despite the sun having already gone down.

"Hey boys," Lumine said. She got out of the car and opened the boot. "I know you've got a party tonight, but you're going back to your stayplaces first and having a shower. I can feel the heat off you from here. Venti, get in the boot." Since the Corolla only fit five people total, and Lumine was the only one who actually had a driver's licence, Venti usually sat in the boot of the car- very illegal and definitely dangerous, but they hadn't been caught yet. Venti was very good at hiding.

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