And when I am gone....keep a Part of Me in Your Heart

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Nanon woke up in the morning, with a heavy head and an unbelievably strong headache. He was having troubles reminding himself of anything that happend yesterday. He remembered talking to Mrs Rosegarden about her dead grandson, he remembered vomiting because of the grewsome Story he had to stomach but what happened thereafter? He didn't know. He didn't even know how he got into the Bed or who showered him, took off his clothes and wore him new ones.
He rolled to the other side of the bed, as he wanted to greet his beloved boyfriend but quickly realized that he was laying in the bed alone. It didn't even seem as if someone had slept there, as that side of the bed was perfectly neat.

Nanon didn't give it too much thought at first, as his headache wouldn't let him think properly in the first place.
However, when he went to the Kitchen, he found a Note from Ohm.

-Hi Sunshine, I hope you had a good sleep. Olivia called, saying she had some free sessions for me today. I accepted.
I cooked for you. Freshly pressed orange juice is in the fridge. I will see you in the evening after work.
Have a great day,

I love you, Ohm. –

Nanon smiled fondly and kissed the Note Ohm had left him, as if Ohm's mouth had just appeared on it. He loved Ohm, too. So much. But it was weird that he left, without waking him up, nevertheless. He never did that. Nanon figured that he was just being considered, as he would always put Nanon's wellbeing first.

Nanon was on his way to get the food, Ohm had so lovingly prepared for him, out of stove, when he noticed a small grey Box, hiding under their kitchen cupboard. Nanon noticed that it was awkwardly packed, almost as if some had tried to hide it there in a hurry. Nanon walked over and took out the Box, wondering what was inside. When he opened the box, he was shocked to find his jeans jacket and his scarf in there. How was that possible? He knew he lost it but he wasn't sure where he lost it. He couldn't remember it. But why were they in a Box? Why not in their washing bag? As Nanon thought about it, he first took his jeans jacket and shortly after his scarf out of the Box, putting the Box back where he first found it. He quickly discovered something unusual on his jacket and scarf. Something red. Maybe a stain?
As Nanon looked at the stain, rubbing his thumb on the spot, lightning struck, and he remembered.
It was wine – wine Ryoh had spilled on him, when he first visited him in his flat. They went out, like they so often did and after a nice and fun After-Work Day Ryoh had asked him to accompany him to his place, where they continued talking about random stuff. But that was months ago. Nanon suddenly panicked. How did those things got here? There were only 2 ways. Either Ohm found them on the streets somewhere, which was more than unlikely, or someone brought it...
Nanon felt his stomach squeeze and cringe uncomfortably. He took out his Phone and dialed a familiar number...

"oooohh...look who is calling me on his day off...Miss me already?"

"Hello Ryoh, I need to ask you something and I need you to answer honestly, ok?"

"Oh...ok. Is everything alright? You sound tensed..."

"Yes yeah, everything is fine...Did you came by to bring me my stuff?"

"...your stuff?"

"Yeah my Jeans Jacket and my scarf...I just found a box in our kitchen and...never mind, did you or did you not?"

"Wuuuuww...chill..yeah I guess so.."

"You guess so or you know so?...It is important Ryoh, please!"

"Ok. Wait a minute. Yes, I came by to bring you your things on your day off about 3 weeks ago. Then I realized that it was Thursday ....but when I realized it, it was too late. When I got there, Ohm opened the door and I didn't want to make it awkward, so I gave him your things...", Nanon exhaled and closed his eyes.

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