3 getting to meet everyone 🫶🏽

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Mia s pov
So we get in and I'm greated by everyone I see a girl with half black and half pink hair I think her name is katrina or people call her kat for short and I see a boy with blonde hair I think his name is Sam a girl with red hair i think her name might be xepher and a girl with brown hair I think her name might be tara I think also saw a boy with brown hair but he had a man bun his name is Cory I think and thare is a boy with silver hair I think his name is jake end of Mia s pov

Colbys pov
So we got in the house for her to see everyone, and she seems to be okay, but I'm. I'm not sure everyone introduces there self's so I think she might be okay. I will take her to her room when when everyone has met her end of colbys pov

Mia s pov

Hey hun my name is kat . said, " The girl with the half black and half pink hair said she hugs me. Welcome to the trap house it's good to have another girl hare with us. Hey kat, I said hey little one, I'm tara said she also hugs me. Heya litte Mia, my name is xepher she hugs me hey Mia my name is Sam he also hugs me. Hey, litte one, my name is jake. He also hugs me hey hun my name is Cory he also hugs me. Hey everyone, I said

Colby, can u show me my room? Please said Mia ofc I can said colby, okay? said Mia," Come this way, this is your room
Wow, this is amazing. I love it thakyou colby said Mia I have a question said Mia go on said colby when do I call you dad said Mia. Whenever you want said colby, okay, "said Mia, I love you said Mia while she gives colby a hug. colby hugs Mia back. I love you too sweetheart always and forever

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