The Reunion

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Aft - Bottom
Optics - Eyes
Helm - Head
Servos - Hands
Digits - Fingers
Berth - Bed
Energon - Blood/Fuel Source
Back Struts - Back
Face Plates - Cheeks
Optic Ridge - Eyebrow
Dermas - Lips
Frame - Body
Chassis - Chest
Audio Receptors - Ears
Peds - Feet
Intake - Mouth
Recharge - Sleep
Tank - Stomach
Forhelm - Forhead
Spark - Heart
Sparkling - Baby
Vent - Breathing/breath
Sire - Father
Carrier - Mother
Processor - Mind/brain
Femme - Girl
Wash rack - Bathroom
Alt-Mode - Vehicle Form
Glossa - Tongue
Throat Pipe -  Throat
Creators - Parents
Sub space - A storage place in their chest
Processor - Brain

(Your/Serena POV)
"Helloooo Earth." I say as I gently land my ship on the planets surface in what looked like to be a forest of some kind.

As I emerged from my ship I shielded my optics letting them adjust. Now that I'm here, time to find some energon. I reach into my sub space and pull out an energon detector.

"Oh yeah! Almost forgot!" I grinned pressing a button on my wrist. My ship slowly disappeared until I could no longer see it. "Can't have any of the locals findin you Crusher." I smiled. I know it's weird to name your ship but I think if you don't then something is just wrong with you.

"Alright energon where are you?..." I ask aloud as I begin my search. I had only been searching for a little while when I got a ping. "Huh? That's interesting..." I say scratching my helm slightly confused. An energon signal was moving, and heading my way. "But that can only happen if-" I smacked my servo over my intake feeling stupid. It was then I heard something fly over me and I immediately jumped into a nearby ditch to hide. But when I heard what sounded like a transformation sound I peeked out from my hiding spot and I couldn't believe what I saw. "Another Cybertronian? Here?"

(Starscreams POV)
I decided to go for a fly to calm my nerves, and flying always has a way of taming the beast inside me I would say. There was just something about flying that made me feel so... Free. Transforming in the air and going into free fall only to transform with ease at the last second before hitting the ground. It was truly a gift, and I was truly magnificent. My fly was interrupted when I detected an unknown energy signature. Oh well, might as well check it out, it's not like I'm really doing anything of importance at the moment. I swooped down, transformed in mid air and landed with a thud on the ground kicking up dust around me. I looked around trying to locate the source of the signal. When I couldn't see anything I began walking around.

"ACK! What in-?!" I exclaimed in confusion as I seemed to have just collided with thin air. I rubbed my helm a bit before reaching out to feel my surroundings. There was something here but I couldn't see it. That's when something clicked in my processor.

"Ahh a stealth mode for a ship, very clever." I smiled finding what felt like a control panel and pressed a few buttons. All of a sudden the air in front of me materialized into a giant ship. "Now... Let's see what treasures await inside shall we?" I say chuckling to myself.

"Let's not!" I heard someone say followed by me being jerked around to face... A... Surprisingly attractive femme who happened to look just like... Megatron?! "Who are you and how did you find me?!" She asked with a blaster to my face. I just stared with wide optics with my intake gaping open. I couldn't stop the blush that appeared on my face plates. She was just slightly shorter than me but that didn't make her any less intimidating... And I loved it... "Did you not hear me?!" She growled pushing the blaster closer to my face. I saw that she glanced down at my chassis which only made my blush grow. She looked back at me with a more neutral expression. "Your a Decepticon?" She asked more unthreatening this time. I just nodded not trusting my own voice to answer for me. She removed the blaster from my face and placed her servos on her hips. I looked at her chassis expecting to also see a Decepticon symbol, but I couldn't find one. I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"Are you also a Decepticon? I don't see a symbol?" I asked trying to be casual while also trying to get rid of the blush from my faceplates. "I don't see the need for one, names Serena what's yours?" She asked almost playfully. I could feel my faceplates warming up again but I tried to play it cool. "Starscream, second in command to Lord Megatron at your service miss." I bowed with a smirk. I heard her gasp which caught me off guard.

"Is something wrong?" I asked slightly concerned. "N-No it's just... Did you say Megatron? H-He's still alive?" She asked with what looked like shock and disbelief. I nodded. She lunged forward and grabbed me looking straight into my optics which made me blush all over again. "Take me to him."

(Your/Serena POV)
I followed Starscream in my ship as he guided me to my sires warship. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to see him after all this time. What am I going to say?! The warship came into view and I could feel my tank begin to churn with nerves. I landed my ship and emerged fidgeting with my digits. "Come, this way." I heard Starscream tell me gesturing to a big door before it opened and he went inside. I took a deep vent before following him inside. As I walked with Starscream I saw what looked like vehicons stop and look at me in either shock, confusion, or awe. After walking for maybe 5 minutes we came to another door.

"Y-You go in first." I stuttered looking up at Starscream. "Of course." He said with a smile. The door opened and he walked in as I peeked in. I couldn't believe it... There he was... And Soundwave too! As well as two other mechs I didn't know. "Lord Megatron." Starscream said interrupting my sire as he was talking to the others. "Starscream! Can't you see I am in the middle of a conversation!" He snapped. "My apologies my Lord but... There is someone here who wishes to see you." Starscream said backing up slightly as my sire approached him. "And who pray tell would that be?" He growled. I decided that it was now or never.

"Me..." I stated as I walked into the room. I stopped just a few feet from where they were. My sires optics widened and began to fill with tears. "S-Serena?..." He mumbled tears beginning to fall down his face plates. I smiled as tears of my own began to run down my faceplates. "Hey... Sire..." I smiled. My sire not caring if the whole ship saw ran over to me and picked me up in a crushing hug.

"I thought I lost you!" He sobbed as we both knelt down to the floor

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"I thought I lost you!" He sobbed as we both knelt down to the floor. "I thought you forgot about me!" I cried. "No sweetspark! I could never forget you! don't you ever think that!" He smiled looking back at me before more tears formed in his optics. "I'm so sorry..." He sobbed into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry I lost you..." He hugged me tighter. "It's ok sire, I'm ok, and I'm here now." I smiled pulling him back to look at me. I then felt another pair of arms around us.

"Soundwave!" I exclaimed with a big smile and pulled him into our group hug. "I missed you too!" I chuckled. "Megatron has a daughter?" I heard the red mech ask the bulkier navy mech who just replied with a shrug. My sire stood up and Soundwave and I followed. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

"This is my daughter Serena, she is to be treated with the upmost respect! Is that understood!" He informed the cons currently in the bridge. "YES LORD MEGATRON!" They all responded in unison. My sire nodded satisfied with the response and then turned back to me. "Come my daughter, you must be famished." He said offering his servo. I smiled and happily placed my servo in his as we began to walk to what I assume was their refueling station. I looked back and waved to Soundwave who responded with a nod. And then I waved to Starscream who gave a small wave in return. And even from where I was, I could make out the blush on his faceplates.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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