(💌📚) Study With Me? (💌📚)

27 2 4

(Y/N) = your name
(L/N) = last name
(F/N) = friend's name

You briskly walked down the same old hallways of the high school you've grown so accustomed to yet so tired of. You didn't really consider yourself dumb, but you were no scholar. Perhaps school just wasn't your strong suit, and with only one year left you couldn't wait for it to be over.

You stopped at the door of your last class for the day. Ugh. History. Letting out a small sigh, you slid open the door and walked in. The bell hadn't rung yet, so the classroom was only half full, students still trickling in as the minutes ticked by. You stared at the empty seat next to you. It had been empty for nearly the past two months, if you had to guess, it had to of been at least fifty days since that boy was here. You'd nearly forgotten what he looked like, you'd only been in school with him for about a month before his disappearance. He had always been kind to you. He was a much better student than you'd ever been, and he always seemed happy to help if you were struggling with something. He's been gone for so long without a word... what if something happened-

"Y/N!" F/N called out, waving a hand in front of you and averting your gaze from the empty desk.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." F/N asks, taking a seat next to you.

"I'm fine, though being in this class makes me wish I was a ghost sometimes," You reply, sighing as you look ahead to the chalk board, a lengthy lesson plan was already written.

Just as F/N was about to reply, your teacher spoke up.

"Alright class, the bell is about to ring so please take your seats," She spoke loudly so that she could be heard over the dozens of voices in the classroom. "Your proper seats," she added, giving F/N a harsh look.

"Aw man. Well, I'll talk to you after class Y/N!" F/N smiled before turning away and heading to her own seat.

As class started you couldn't help but zone out. You picked up words here and there, but couldn't be bothered to actually pay attention. You stared out the window, daydreaming. Soon enough it was time for independent work, the class fell silent as the teacher instructed them to. You could hear the gentle sound of pencils writing against the various papers the teacher handed out. The work before you didn't seem too captivating, just studies about the history of Cairo. Uninterested, you began sketching small doodles on your paper.

"So you decided to show up after all? I began to think it would another couple months before I saw you again." You could faintly hear your teacher speak to someone, though you weren't particularly paying attention.

"I'm sorry I'm late Miss, I didn't realize the bus schedule had changed, I missed it." A polite male voice responded.

"I'm just giving you a hard time, it's good to have you back. Go ahead and take your seat, the papers we are working on are on my desk, you can grab them yourself and get to work." The teacher said, her tone was kind.

The light coming in from the window and shining down onto your desk was overshadowed as someone took a seat beside you.

"Er- excuse me, could I borrow a pencil? I seem to have forgotten mine," a voice said from beside you, breaking your trance of mindlessly doodling. You looked up to meet the glance of the red headed, violet eyed, handsome man who sat next to you. Your eyes widened and your jaw practically dropped.

"You're-" you started, before he spoke again.

"Oh wait, it's Y/N right?" You nodded and he smiled softly at you, making your heart flutter. Had he always been this handsome?

"Kakyoin..." You murmured to yourself, still looking at him with a gentle expression. "Uh- y-yeah I think i should have an extra pencil around here somewhere," you forced yourself to look away from him and search through your backpack. You managed to find a pencil and looked back up to Kakyoin, who had been studying you intently. When you met his eyes again to hand him the pencil you stifled a small gasp, trying not to make too much noise in the quiet classroom.

"Your eyes! What happened?" You whisper-shouted at him, noticing two small scars that dragged down both of his eyes. His eyes widened and he lifted a hand to his face as though even he had forgotten those scars were there.

"Ah these- I made the mistake of attempting to pet a stray cat, I suppose it didn't really enjoy my affection," He laughed softly, nervously. You nodded, not quite sure you believed his story. He moved forward slightly and took the pencil from your hand.

"Thank you Y/N, I'll make sure to return this after class," he smiled again before turning away to his own desk. Your lips parted to say something more, you had so many questions and wanted to talk to him more, but he had already begun studying the paper in front of him.

You looked back at your own paper, deciding now you would give it attempt. For an unknown reason, you were relieved to see Kakyoin was back and safe. Why did you care so much now?

You snuck another quick glance at the cherry-red haired male, he seemed focused. After only a second you turned back to your paper, not wanting him to catch you looking at him again.

You wanted to get to know this boy.


I've decided this is going to part of a longer work, you can expect a part 2 (possibly with many more parts) coming out soon :D

If you guys liked this, please let me know! If you didn't, feel free to let me know what I can improve on :)

I'm taking requests as well so if there's a one-shot with cherry boy that you wanna see just comment it here and I might just write it!

Thank you for reading 💕💕

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