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I hadn't questioned my sexuality till I met Phil. I always knew I was straight; I had been out with a fair share of girls in the past. Of course, that didn't mean I was the popular lad who got all the chicks, because I would never be that.


After a piece of toast and a quick kiss on the cheek for my mother, it was time to go to the hell-hole I call the supervisor of my education. I had the odd friend or two, but there were always the waffly twats who obviously thought that smiling was a crime.

As I walked, I watched the bus drive past me, hearing the shrieks of laughter from students. I rolled my eyes, plugging in my earphones and blocking out the world. Currently playing was Muse, aka the best band known to man-kind. That's how I met my good friend Mels, over our love of Muse. Well, ignoring the fact that she had 'saved' me from a bunch of grammar school boys who were about to completely pound me. She was one tough cookie, and I was glad that she was on my side.

I saw her standing by the school gate, waiting for me as always. Her blazer was tied round her waist, her tie was as short as ever. Her crazy black hair spiralled in a mass of curls that flew in the wind, and her arms were crossed as her feet tapped to some sort of rhythm. Judging by how differently we dressed, people wondered how we were ever friends.

"Look what the rabid owl dragged in," I smirked, as I walked closer to her and pulled one of her curls. That was another things about Mels; she was overly obsessed about owl. Owls.

"Danny-boy!" She smirked, yet I scowled. I despised people calling me 'Danny'. It was either Daniel, or Dan. "Timetable, go." (We also had the same lessons, so our friendship was fate. Duh.)

"History, Drama, Math, Spanish and. . ." I held up my PE kit, which made her groan. Earlier this morning, I did attempt to hide my PE kit from my mother, but she managed to find it after my snitching brother Adrian told her where I had hidden it.

"It's alright for you, not even Lacey Simmons messes with you," I scoffed, as we walked into school. Our usual ritual consisted of waiting by the gates, going to the lockers, then usually by that time we would head to class. "But oh, no, being of the male gender means that I have to spend an hour with Jason Dick-squab."

Mels put an arm round my shoulder, patting my head and messing up my fringe. "There there, it's only an hour that he will torture you!" she laughed.

"Get off of me," I shrieked, but laughed afterwards. We came to Mels' locker first, then headed over to mine. I took out important books, and put less important back in.

"Wow, we still have time," Mels glanced over my shoulder and looked at the clock, hanging above one of the classrooms. "This is new. What should we do?"

"Library?" I suggested. It may seem a little nerdy - but, hey, we were nerds (disregarding the fact that it was the only the place that wasn't full of complete and utter douchebags.)

Mels nodded, and we began our walk up the stairs to the library. We did pass a few idiots, but Mels soon 'sorted' them out. We entered the library, quietly shutting the doors. "Oh! There's something I want to show you."

"Go ahead," I shrugged. She led me to an unoccupied computer and sat down. "Earphones." She said, nodding towards my pocket. Sighing, I got out my phone and unplugged my earphones. I attached them to the computer as Mels logged on. To be honest, I was surprised that she remembered her login.

She bought up YouTube, a website were you can watch and post videos, and typed in 'AmazingPhil'. "He's so funny, his videos are addictive!"

"Hmm," I grabbed ahold of the mouse, and clicked on the video that said 'Psychopath Boyfriend'.

"It's short, but funny," Mels informed me as the video loaded. It started, and a boy with black hair and piercing blue eyes appeared on the screen. I was slightly taken back by his northern accent, but continued to watch with curiosity.

Let's just say, the remainder of the free time that we had was spent watching him. I don't know what it was, but I felt a strong impulse to keep on playing his videos time and time again. I was too caught up in one of his videos to even notice the bell. It was Mels who had to knock me out of my 'AmazingPhil' trance. "Dan? As much as I would love to stay and watch Phil, we have to go."

"Oh - yeah, right," I said. Mels quickly logged off, and we headed to our first class, Mels telling me all about Phil.

"I was just kind of browsing, really. Charlie, Smosh, the usual, y'know? Until I found a really hilarious comment on one of Smosh's videos, which seemed to get quite a lot of likes. I checked out the guy, and it was Phil! I watched one of his videos - his first, and found it so cringeworthy that I somehow watched his others. Oh, Dan, I warn you now - don't watch his Toxic cover without a packet of tissues and some paracetamol. He shows body."

"So? I'm not gay," I laughed. Although, I didn't notice how Jason and his mates were standing in the corner, overhearing our conversation.

If only I had noticed . . .


welcome to my first phan-fiction - because i ship it with all my heart. that doesn't mean i will absolutely demolish anyone else who ships anything else.

although, danrific, get out.

i secretly own dan and phil, but since this is a social media site i guess i have to say that i don't? although mels and other characters are my babies which i created with my brain.

this may contain triggering themes, depends how far i actually get with this. i actually typed this up on my phone, because surprisingly i write better on my phone(???) (and listen to music on my ipad /snorts)


1058 words

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