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"Faggot!" I found myself lying on the muddy ground of the school field, my stomach writhing in pain. Jason lifted his foot, and kicked me in the stomach time and time again. My PE kit was covered in grass, mud and blood from my nose from when Jason first punched me.

"Wanker," Jason spat on me, the saliva landing on my hair. "I hope you choke on a dick." A sound of a whistle signalled for Jason and his and mates, who were spectating, to leave. I attempted to get up, but fell back onto the floor in a earthy pile.

I felt like shit. Here I was, having a bad enough time already having to run round the field for 1500m, but having Jason say that I was gay? It angered me - for some apparent reason, someone calling me homosexual. I was not gay. I wasn't.

I finally managed to stumble to my feet. I didn't want to go back to the lesson, but where else would I go? Limping, I made my way over to the class of boys that was crowding round the teacher. As I approached the group, I could see Jason giving me a dirty look. His ugly-ass faced seemed to tell me, 'tell anyone and you're dead.'

"What took you so long Howell?" The teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I ... Fell over," I attempted to lie, and luckily he managed to buy it. Rolling his eyes and muttering a quick insult under his breath (though I could quite clearly hear him), he continued with the lesson.


I met Mels outside the school, the bruises evident on my face and the scratches clear on my neck. A hand went up to her mouth in shock --for never had I been beaten up this badly by Jason. "I'll kill him," Mels told me, dusting down my hair and uniform. "I will fucking kill -"

Before she could say anything else, I had indulged her in a bear hug silently. Not in a romantic way --but more of a big sister way (even though she was younger then me). We stood hugging by the gates, until her phone bleeped.

"Phil uploaded a new video," Mels said, checking her phone behind my back. "Better get home fast and watch it, eh?"

I laughed quietly as we let go of each other. "I must be that first view." I joked, slightly rubbing my bruised eye.

"But I swear to god, if that douche hits you again I will gladly pummel his ugly-ass face into the ground," Mels warned me, poking my cheek carefully. Giving me one last smile, we parted ways and I began my walk home. My earphones plugged in and My Chemical Romance busting through my eardrums, I ignored the laughter and taunts from idiots on busses that drove past.

When I got home, I managed to slip past my mother and head straight to my room. I loaded up the computer and immediately typed in 'AmazingPhil'. Sure enough, a new video had loaded since Mels and I watched him this morning.

As I watched, I found myself gazing into his eyes. They were really a spectacular icy blue; light yet not light enough to blend in with the rest of his eyes. And the way that his eyes corresponded with his dark black hair amazed me.

No Dan. Stop thinking like this.

Although I told myself these words, I found myself clicking on video after video, re-watching my favourite ones time and time again. It too addicting; and I couldn't stop.


shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitty chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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